Ok I will try,
The website is https://www.firecorpgrp.co.za
Additional Info: –
Software WordPress
Installation Number 26_69533
Version 4.0
Installation Time September 12, 2014, 5:39 pm
Path /home/firecxhy/public_html
URL https://firecorpgrp.co.za
Admin URL https://firecorpgrp.co.za/wp-admin/
Database Name firecxhy_wp602
Database User firecxhy_wp602
Database Host localhost
Database Name
Database User
Database Password
The black background in the header used to be about 200 high.
Somehow I have changed it. I am talking from the top to the navigation bar.
I can not see the sidebars and I changed the sidebar.php, footer.php and style.css in order to try and put in a login screen.
I do not know what I have changed.
Can somebody please help.
kind Regards