Header container
Hello, it’s me again.
Is there a way to put a telephone number in header container,right under the top image? I need it to be done exactly overe there.
Thank you very much!
Open the second big options box down (add HTML etc.) by clicking on the + sign.
4th box down will say something like, ‘This is below the top navigation’
Paste this in changing the values to suit. Make sure that the height isn’t too big or it might cover up navigation menus or other links, so check that links work near where this appears.
It’s a workaround but should do the job.
<p style="position:absolute;top:200px;background-color:transparent; color:red;font-size:1rem;font-family:arial;font-weight:bold; font-style:normal;height:30px;left:10%;z-index:10;">012345678</p>
My friend, the 4th row down didn’t bring any changes, but the 1st did.
Thank you very much!
I’m sorry for asking for help again, but there’s wtill one trouble left.
When I open site via iphone or other mobilephone the phone number comes in the left side and lines are on each other. Is there any way to solve it?
https://zel-lorry.ru – here’s the site.<p style="position:absolute;top:325px;background-color:transparent; color:red;font-size:25px;font-family:arial;font-weight:bold; font-style:normal;height:30px;right:22%;z-index:10;">Заказ авто 8(925)044-4511</p> <p style="position:absolute;top:355px;background-color:transparent; color:#369b1e;font-size:1rem;font-family:arial;font-weight:bold; font-style:normal;height:30px;right:22%;z-index:10;">с 7-00 до 22-00 без выходных</p>
that’s the code.
Thank you
First, you don’t have a footer, which means the end of the document</body? </html>
is missing which isn’t good.
The telephone number as you have it is doing what the CSS says, which is indenting from the right by 22%. To change that you’re going to have to use media queries. If you tell me what width / resolution your phone is and if you want the telephone number left, middle or center I can sort that for you hopefully.
Anyhow, try the following. In theory the lines shouldn’t overlap.
<div style="position:absolute;top:325px;background-color:transparent;right:22%;z-index:10;"> <p style="color:red;font-size:25px;font-family:arial;font-weight:bold; font-style:normal;">????? ???? 8(925)044-4511</p> <p style="color:#369b1e;font-size:1rem;font-family:arial;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;">? 7-00 ?? 22-00 ??? ????????</p> </div>
You have a scrollbar on the bottom and that’s because you have one long unbroken line————-
Paste the following into the very top options box and that should sort it. I shall update the next version of the theme to include this.
<style type="text/css"> div.entry: word-wrap:break-word; } </style>
I’ve added the code that you gave me “theory code” and yes, it looks better, but the second line still got a problem – it’s covered by left sidebar banner when i open it via mobile phone.
Is there a way to allow the phone number lines stuck in the same position for every device(phone,tablet, etc)?
Unfortunately, i’m not sure that i understand where i should add the last code-lines, which you told you want to include in the next update.
Can you explain me what i’ve got to do about footer? I thought that your theme got it by default. I see that there’s no footer on the main page when i use firebug, but the others has it. Is there a button or smth that i haven’t spotted yet? I’ve got no idea what to do.
It’s started to become not so “childishly simple” to me as it seemed before.
I’m very sorry for being such an annoying person.
I have no idea why the footer’s not there. I’ve just checked by downloading your version of the theme and uploading it to my test site and ‘page-without-a-title’ as the front page and everything’s ok. I can only guess that someone has been messing around with the template file ‘page-without-a-title.php’
You can stop the green line being covered up by changing the z-index of the div to 1000 as below. THis should also keep the phone number 20px in from the left. Paste this little lot into ‘Add HTML, javascript etc.’ > and then the second or third or fourth box down, but definitely not the first which is where it is at the moment because that’s outside the website.
<div style="position:absolute;top:325px;background-color:transparent;left:20px;z-index:1000;"> <p style="color:red;font-size:25px;font-family:arial;font-weight:bold; font-style:normal;">Заказ авто 8(925)044-4511</p> <p style="color:#369b1e;font-size:1rem;font-family:arial;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;">с 7-00 до 22-00 без выходных</p> </div>
The last code lines (which will be included in the next update) should be in the ‘Add CSS, javascript or shortcode’ > the last item in the head of all pages’ (the very top options box).
Yes, there’s still work to be done to make this simpler e.g. adding the option to put the HTML etc. in the ‘header-container’ div
I’ve put it into second line – works great! Thank you!
I’d like to ask you about right-side widget on main page: i’ve put a tick into the box “homepage with widgets”, but there’s only left-side works and firebug says ther’s no right-side widget, did i miss something in settings?
I see you’ve found the bottom
Were you customising the theme files?Looking at your home page it uses page-without-a-title.php I see that both the home page and an inner page using this file have the right sidebar missing. I uploaded the same file to my test site using the theme version that you’ve used and everything works ok. I can only guess – and it is a guess – that you’ve been customising page-without-a-title.php
I didn’t, I think…
I’ve got to add it manually?
Is that the reason that doesn’t let most of the slider work properly? Some of them changing images, but not able to insert “target link” and some of them targeting, but not changing.
I haven’t customised anything by the way – i’ve just realized it
I triple-checked – uploaded the version of the theme you’re using, set the home page to ‘page without a title’ and an inner page to ‘page without a title’, set the layout to your layout (3 columns content middle) and everything worked fine – both sidebars showed up and the bottom body / html elements were there. I honestly have no idea what’s going on.
All I can suggest is that instead of ‘page without a title’ you try the default ‘page’ and see what happens (you select these templates when creating a Page – they’re usually in the right hand side about half way down) i.e. change the template for the home page. It’s quite possible that I’ve made an error when coding the page templates but as yet I can’t see it.
I am unsure whether this is the right approach being a complete novice. I would like to be able to center the images that appear in the header. I have a number of header images which are randomly appearing – which is the effect wanted. But they are of different widths – it would be helpful if they all appeared centered –
Thanks for any help
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