• I don’t know if this is the right place to put this. If not, please let me know which forum area is best.

    I need to replicate a php/mysql site I wrote and have been maintaining for a guild of which I’m a member. Because I’m not a WP guru, this is going to be a bit of a learning curve and any direction/help/advice you can provide would be of inestimable help.

    This is the site I’m converting => RDQG.org

    My first challenge is to have the sub-menus for the main menu items appear in the left sidebar when the main menu item is selected. Am I correct in assuming this is a functions.php thing? Or is it something I need to write into the actual template, thereby restricting me to a custom template. I don’t see this as a bad thing, I just want to clarify which direction I should be heading.

    [moved to Theme and templates forum]

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  • No worries about posting in the wrong spot. Moderators can move threads around. ??

    Yes it is possible to have both top and sidebar.
    Here’s a site that I built for a friend – https://www.outofchaos.ca/
    It has different sidebars when you go in the different sections.

    The code that you will want to modify is in the sidebar.
    What I usually do is use conditionals and write something like:

    <?php if(is_page(2) || is_child(2)) { ?>
      <aside id="sub-nav" class="widget">
    	<li<?php if(is_page(2)){ echo' class="current_page_item"';} ?>><a href="<?php bloginfo('url');?>/products-services/">Products & Services</a></li>
    	<?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&depth=1&child_of=2'); ?>
    <?php } ?>

    etc …

    The function is_child() is set in my functions.php and I use the code provided here – https://bavotasan.com/2011/is_child-conditional-function-for-wordpress/

    Thread Starter headelf


    Thanks! That gives me a starting place!

    I have been looking for this code for some time, thanks for posting it! I have to admit that I am a bit new to css, so could you maybe help me where to put the child code and how to implement it with the pages on my site?

    The site is https://www.frisse-blik.eu

    Thanks a mil in advance!

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