Hello Myswan2word9,
A “Hero” is a large image, often placed at the top of your site that can contain a background image, text and call to action buttons (for people who aren’t familiar with it). The Hero Widget isn’t a default WordPress widget. It’s from the SiteOrigin widgets. Provide us a little more information about how you’re adding the Header Image and Hero text. What are you expecting to see? Do you have a backup and have you tried to restore it? If you don’t have a backup, make sure you have one for the next time when you get it all set to the way you want it. Having that backup will save you LOTS of headaches (like this one).
If you’re still having trouble with the widget, you may need to speak with SiteOrigin’s Support. There’s also a support trac here, that may help if you’re dealing with a premium theme.
I hope this helps!
Arnel C.