• Resolved k3200


    Hello all. I have been trying for hours (yes I am a newbie and have little to no css or php experience) to get a new header logo into my WP installation. I am using the Batavia 1.5 theme and have read many threads on how to do this and nothing seems to work. I even read the threads for the default kubrick thread and tried that and still nothing. Could somebody please look at my site (www.househunting101.com) and tell me what I am doing wrong.

    Thank you so much,

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  • If you need help with a header img, drop me an email at miklb.online AT gmail.com

    Thread Starter k3200


    I just set it as background-image. It didn’t make it look any better, I don’t think.


    It does show in FF now. If you add in
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    to the header css, then it will stop repeating.

    If you change the height to 147, same as the image, then it will show the whole thing.

    Then you would just need to move the text that is ending up on top of it somewhere else?

    Thread Starter k3200


    Where ahould I add the no-repeat code? Where in the header css that is?


    Add it just beneath the background-image thing you changed earlier.

    Thread Starter k3200


    Excellent. Now I just have to figure out how to move the text. ??

    Hey Oriecat, thanks for all this help!!!!


    No problem. ??

    You may wind up needing to create a new div for the headimg, and putting that in so as to allow the rest of the header to go below the img. The site title and description are easy to comment out in your header.php file, the menu will be much tougher.

    Thread Starter k3200


    Hey miklb. Thanks for the thought. However, I am extremely new to this and have no idea how to do any of those things. Is it easy to explain to me how to handle those issues?

    Or would I be better off with a different theme?


    Easy can be a relative term. However, with patience, I, and any number of other members will do everything possible to assist you.
    First, to remove the blog title from the text portion, look for something like this <div id="blogTitle"><?php bloginfo('description'); ?></div> and either delete it, or comment it out (<!–on one side–>on the other). Let me preface that I’m not an expert, but I’m learning. Regarding the image, I would create a new div in your CSS under the #header div, call it something like #masthead, or #headerimg. And cut and paste the height, and background img from the header div. I’d also add the width 100%.
    Now in your header.php template, between the <div id=”header”>and <div id=”toolbar-top”> Insert <div id=”headerimg”></div> (or whatever you call the div in your CSS). From there, you’ll have a fair idea of what it’s going to look like, and what else might need to be done. I have a feeling you will need to give the headerimg div a background color the same as the header and center it. But lets see what happens with that.

    Thread Starter k3200


    Hey, thanks for all of this help. Unfortunately I am lost on alot of this. First, where ahould I look for this following code?

    div id=”blogTitle”><?php bloginfo(‘description’); ?></div> and either delete it, or comment it out (<!–on one side–>on the other).

    Also, under the #header div there is already a #headerimg div. Should I do all that work you mention in the #headerimg that’s already there? I’m really confused at this point.

    Thank you,

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