• Resolved ms72


    good day

    i would like to change the height of the header image on twenty eleven theme.

    as i don’t know much about html, i could not find the right spot on the editor modus.

    can someone help?

    thanks so much

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  • please don’t edit Twenty Eleven dirctly; it is important to have an unedited default theme (which is Twenty Eleven in wp3.2) in case of problems.
    create a child theme to work with https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Child_Themes

    once your child theme is active, the forum will be able to help with your question.

    Thread Starter ms72


    but why does it then say ‘you can start editing here’?
    what is if i would edit it?

    in case you edit the theme directly, you would not have a fallback theme in case your theme crashes. which would make any repairs much more complicated.
    also, any edits will be overwritten when you next upgrade your wordpress version.

    apart from that, nothing will happen.

    your choice.

    back to your question:
    in a child theme, add this to functions.php:

    function my_header_image_height($height) {
    	return 150;
    add_filter( 'twentyeleven_header_image_height', 'my_header_image_height');

    ref: https://quirm.net/2011/09/18/resize-the-header-in-a-twenty-eleven-child-theme/

    Thread Starter ms72


    ..honestly, i’m really thankful for your help.. – tomorrow i’ll try to set up a child theme (and i got no clue).. :-/ …as for the header entry, where would i place that? (is this on the right hand side coloumn in the editor modus?)

    am afraid of doing wrong things and messing up my site..

    thanks so far.. and, can i come back to you in case i got questions?

    when you are editing Twenty Eleven directly, have a look into functions.php of the theme, and search for (about line 122):

    define( 'HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH', apply_filters( 'twentyeleven_header_image_width', 1000 ) );
    	define( 'HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT', apply_filters( 'twentyeleven_header_image_height', 288 ) );

    change the 288 in the second line to your new header height.

    Thread Starter ms72


    hi.. i’ve read through your lines.. stuedied the links and was also on a page on how to create a child theme (which now i know i really need to create cause it’s useless modifying tw.11 as it will be overwritten with the next update) – it’s just that already with the creation i fail.

    don’t know where(from my wp site or here?) and how i do this.

    the explanation i found, sort of ‘Start by creating a new directory in your themes folder right next to the twentyeleven directory’
    – i could not find where this is (?.. :o( )
    i’m just asking myself if i shall really desperatly try and do the child theme thing.. (if i could only figure out how).. – or if to do the changes directly in twenty eleven, save the everything into text format elsewhere and remodify should it be overwritten.. :-/

    here it’s 8.40h.. :o)

    how to create a child theme

    you can download a ready made child theme from https://quirm.net/themes/twenty-eleven-child/

    ‘Start by creating a new directory in your themes folder right next to the twentyeleven directory’

    you need to do this from outside wordpress, for instance using the cpanel or file manage system of your hoster.

    Thread Starter ms72


    have downloaded the child theme from the link above – however (english is not my native language) i do not understand the bit where it says “the theme does not implement any changes” – what does this exactly mean?

    then, would i upload that one, which bit would i select, the php file?

    (i’m afraid of wasting your time…)

    should i mess up.. could i just go back to themes and seledt twenty eleven again a reset everything as i have done previously (widgets, menus etc)?

    “the theme does not implement any changes”

    it means that this child theme will look and work the same as Twenty Eleven;
    any changes need to be made by you.

    it is just a starting point to get you started without having to create new folders etc using cpanel.

    should i mess up.. could i just go back to themes and seledt twenty eleven again a reset everything as i have done previously (widgets, menus etc)?

    yes, you can do this at any time.

    Thread Starter ms72


    ok, sounds good and almost too easy – cause as i said i did download it.

    which file do i need to upload?
    – the entire zip file
    – the function php (1kb)
    – the style css (1kb)
    – the screenshot too? (it’s a screenshot of twenty ten)

    will that child theme have all and exactly the same features as the parent one? (just cause of those 1kb and the function php which looked quite short)

    thank you :o)

    Thread Starter ms72


    ok.. all good.. – i leave everything as it is.. too afraid of damages. thanks for your patience..

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