Hello @mcofficeadmin,
?attributes are part of the lazy loading functionality, where the actual image sources are only loaded when they’re about to enter the viewport.
However, the fetchpriority="high"
attribute is intended to signal to the browser that this image is of high priority and should be loaded sooner rather than later, which seems to conflict with the lazy loading behavior.
It’s possible that there’s a misconfiguration or an oversight within the theme or plugin settings that’s causing this behavior, particularly on mobile devices. Mobile versions of websites can sometimes have different settings or optimizations in place to improve performance on smaller screens and slower network conditions.
What we advise you is to set up a class for your image which will allow it to be excluded from the lazyloading. You can use the following filter applied in the functions.php of your active theme.
add_filter( 'sgo_lazy_load_exclude_classes', 'exclude_images_with_specific_class' ); function exclude_images_with_specific_class( $classes ) { // Add the class name that you want to exclude from lazy load. $classes[] = 'test-class'; return $classes; }
You can also exclude it from the Speed Optimizer > Media > Exclude CSS Classes from Lazy Load
Best regards,
Georgi Ganchev