• Resolved sdgfsgfdfd



    I first wanted to thank you for creating this awesome theme. I have been using it for the last couple of months and I am very happy with its performance.

    I was talking to a friend the other day who pointed out a problem about the theme that I had not realized. My screen resolution is above 1200px, so I didn’t see the problem.

    Actually, when you are using a lower screen resolution (you can try this by resizing https://colorlib.com/sparkling/), the header logo and the header menu split into 2 or 3 separate lines, which looks weird. The more items you have displayed in the header menu, the worse it is.

    I have tried to solve the problem by taking two different approaches (failed miserably on trying both!). First, I thought that one solution to the problem would be to automatically resize the header, so when the screen resolution would be lower you would still be able to see the header and the menu in one single line.

    Another solution, not as good as the first one, would be to “arrange” the logo and the menu so that they don’t appear one on each side, maybe by centering them (again, you can really tell the issue by resizing https://colorlib.com/sparkling/).

    Anyway, I am asking for help to all of you as I have proved myself (several times) that I have strictly no idea on how to solve this issue!!

    Any ideas?

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  • Theme Author Silkalns


    There is a two solutions for this:

    1. Use less menu items or at least make them shorter.
    2. Use CSS @media queries to adjust menu item padding and size based on screen resolution.

    This is definitely something that is not going to become as “feature” in the theme because there will still be always some screen resolution and menu item combo where it will drop into multiple lines. There is no way to create one-size-fit-all solution unless we make mobile style menu on any tablet by default.

    Btw, we tweaked our theme demo, os menus are always on the same line.

    Thread Starter sdgfsgfdfd



    what i finally did was to reduce the number of items in the menu. I’ll try to learn about the CSS @media queries so that I can achieved what I was looking for.

    Once again, thank you!

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