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  • Hi ri8ca. The site title is not displayed because you have a logo in the header. The text in your header is actually the site description. To change the description try this css:

    /* change description size, make bold, move up closer to logo */
    .site-description {
      font-size: 24px;
      font-weight: 700;
      margin-top: -20px;

    Hope that helps.

    Thread Starter rt8ca


    Excellent, thank you for your assistance, looks much better! Now, is it possible to add a couple of small images to the left and right side of my logo?

    Couple of options off the top of my head:
    1. Edit header.php and add a couple of containers to hold the images; position them using css.
    2. Create a new “logo” that incorporates all 3 images.
    3. Use the css pseudo-elements “:before” and “:after” to insert images dynamically.

    I’d probably try them in reverse order since #3 involves the least amount of work…;-) If you have additional questions, or need some help, feel free to ask.

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