First of all, I’m “Miss” Doodlebee ??
Secondly, I don’t see your header image at all – there’ sno call for it. it’s not set as the background for your header div, and you aren’t calling it in for your image in the HTML – you have this:
<img src="" alt="" />
But no image (the final part of that url should end in “.jpg” or “.gif” or something – so no image is being shown)
Third of all, your #header is *still* set at 100px in height. If you changed it, you didn’t save your changes.
And fourth: If you want your ads to show *above* the header image, then you need to move it’s placement. Right now, in your HTML, you have the script source for your ads *within* your header tag *and* below the image call. If you want it above, you need to move those scripts.