• Resolved jodzeee


    I just upgraded and am playing around with it on my local dev site. I had the day of the week working, as per instructions, but I noticed the new version sets it back a day. But then I realized it’s just the heading that is wrong.

    For example, I want it on Sunday and even though it says, “Site Default (Sunday)”, the heading shows it’s starting on Saturday. But the date is right.

    So it’s showing today’s date as being Sunday, November 9.


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  • Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    For those of you that are still having issues…are you running the plugin in a language besides English? I am trying to narrow this down some more since the fix in 3.0.2 worked for others (and myself) but not for some others.



    Hi Nick,

    I am running the plugin (now updated to 3.0.4) in English. Interestingly the Carbon.php workaround didnt work for me but the workaround updating default-calendar-grid.php suggested in calendar-shows-wrong-day-of-the-week did.

    So this is now working for me in 3.0.4 where it wasnt before…

    Hope this helps!





    Having solved the page breaking (thanks to v 3.0.5 and a pointer from the plug-in author), I’ve spent rather too long design tweaking. Thanks to JF for that link to other support conversation as I needed the code there too, to get the days lined up right.

    Now just seem to have a widget grid not seeming to like appearing on same page as calendar list (no event info appearing either on hover or click). Just possibly a cache issue which will clear … As here: https://transitionmalvernhills.org.uk/wp/events/



    I have started with the days of the week problem after updating to 3.0.5. I am running a Spanish language site:
    I want Lun, Mar, Mie, Jue, Vie, Sab, Dom (this is site default and in English would be Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun)
    What I get is Mar, Mie, Jue, Vie, Sab, Dom, Lun (which doesn’t correspond to any default I know of and in English would be Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon)
    Should I hack the .php or will this be fixed?



    Thank you jannybeanca, your fix has worked for me. I hope the developers can introduce a permanent fix soon.

    Plugin Contributor Nick Young



    Were you getting this problem before 3.0.5?



    @nick young
    No I wasn’t, it started with the update.
    I found this fix from sylwwwester on another thread

    $wds[0] = $week_days_short[6]; $wdf[0] = $week_days_full[6];
    $wds[1] = $week_days_short[0]; $wdf[1] = $week_days_full[0];
    $wds[2] = $week_days_short[1]; $wdf[2] = $week_days_full[1];
    $wds[3] = $week_days_short[2]; $wdf[3] = $week_days_full[2];
    $wds[4] = $week_days_short[3]; $wdf[4] = $week_days_full[3];
    $wds[5] = $week_days_short[4]; $wdf[5] = $week_days_full[4];
    $wds[6] = $week_days_short[5]; $wdf[6] = $week_days_full[5];
    $week_days_short = $wds;
    $week_days_full = $wdf;
    It has corrected the issue for me although I imagine it will get overwritten when a new update is published.



    @nick @sctsystemic

    for info this was the same fix that worked for me when the carbon.php constants workaround didnt work….



    Here is an interesting discovery.

    with a single google calendar, the day headings line up appropriately

    however if you use a group calendar, the days are thrown off

    see example here



    Hi Nick,

    I’ve still got the problem after updating to 3.05. The site I’m using is English (Australia) with time zone set to Sydney.


    I too have the problem even with 3.0.5 and found I had to change in google-calendar-events/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/Carbon.php, the code beginning with line 57 to:

    const SUNDAY = 1;
    const MONDAY = 2;
    const TUESDAY = 3;
    const WEDNESDAY = 4;
    const THURSDAY = 5;
    const FRIDAY = 6;
    const SATURDAY = 0;

    Of course, this will be overridden in the next plugin update so is a temporary fix. I’m also not sure of the logic with this so it may depend on other settings you may have.



    Finally a solution that works for me!!
    Thank you so much Dinz ??

    In case it’s usefull: I also run the plugin in Spanish.



    I made the suggested change to Carbon.php. However, in doing so, my single google calendar was thrown off and my grouped calendar was aligned properly.

    I backed out the change in Carbon.php.

    The underlying issue has to be with defining single google calendars vs. grouped calendars; and the formatting associated with each.



    the carbon change didn’t work for me either but this one did: courtesy of sylwwester: In the plugin foler (in wp-contents)

    in file
    includes\calendars\views\default-calendar-grid.php after lines 226-228 which goes

    $week_starts = $calendar->week_starts;
    $week_days_short = simcal_get_calendar_names_i18n( ‘day’, ‘short’ );
    $week_days_full = simcal_get_calendar_names_i18n( ‘day’, ‘full’ );

    you can add this code:

    $wds[0] = $week_days_short[6]; $wdf[0] = $week_days_full[6];
    $wds[1] = $week_days_short[0]; $wdf[1] = $week_days_full[0];
    $wds[2] = $week_days_short[1]; $wdf[2] = $week_days_full[1];
    $wds[3] = $week_days_short[2]; $wdf[3] = $week_days_full[2];
    $wds[4] = $week_days_short[3]; $wdf[4] = $week_days_full[3];
    $wds[5] = $week_days_short[4]; $wdf[5] = $week_days_full[4];
    $wds[6] = $week_days_short[5]; $wdf[6] = $week_days_full[5];
    $week_days_short = $wds;
    $week_days_full = $wdf;

    As I sa, it worked for me (though it’s only a temporary hack)



    Running latest versions (plugin 3.0.5 on WordPress 4.3.1)
    Language: Dutch (NL)

    The problem still persists; in grid view, day names are off by one.
    Monday is displayed as Tuesday, etc.

    So 3.0.5 does not fix this for me.

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