• Resolved Mustafa YALCIN


    hi i have an error.

    Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in D:\MyShare\Cloud\xampp\htdocs\marmaraitiraf.net\public_html\wp-content\plugins\nextgen-facebook\lib\head.php on line 92
    Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in D:\MyShare\Cloud\xampp\htdocs\marmaraitiraf.net\public_html\wp-content\plugins\nextgen-facebook\lib\head.php on line 98
    Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in D:\MyShare\Cloud\xampp\htdocs\marmaraitiraf.net\public_html\wp-content\plugins\nextgen-facebook\lib\head.php on line 123
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in D:\MyShare\Cloud\xampp\htdocs\marmaraitiraf.net\public_html\wp-content\plugins\nextgen-facebook\lib\head.php on line 141


Viewing 13 replies - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)
  • Plugin Author JS Morisset


    You may have something broken in your installation — I can’t see a way for the variable in question *not* to be an array… Hm.

    Would you mind turning on debug mode from the Open Graph+ Advanced settings page, and providing a URL to an example Page or Post?



    Thread Starter Mustafa YALCIN


    i am working my localhost.
    That’s html mode
    Debug Mode Log

    !-- NGFB Open Graph+ debug from ngfbSocial::add_header() Debug Log :
    	ngfbDebug                 :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbCheck                 :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbUtil                  :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbNotices               :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbOptions               :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbUser                  :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbMedia                 :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbMediaNgg              :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbWebPage               :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbShortCodeNgfb         :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbPostMeta              :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbSocial                :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbSocialFacebook        :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbSocialGooglePlus      :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbSocialTwitter         :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbSocialLinkedIn        :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbSocialManageWP        :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbSocialPinterest       :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbSocialStumbleUpon     :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbSocialTumblr          :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbSocial                :: add_filter               : filter_get_the_excerpt() added
    	ngfbSocial                :: add_filter               : filter_the_excerpt() added
    	ngfbSocial                :: add_filter               : filter_the_content() added
    	ngfbStyle                 :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbScript                :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbCache                 :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbHead                  :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbOpenGraph             :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbTags                  :: __construct              : mark
    	ngfbPlugin                :: setup_vars               : calling add_image_size(ngfb-open-graph, 1200, 630, true)
    	ngfbPlugin                :: setup_vars               : HTML debug mode active: transient cache is disabled
    	ngfbStyle                 :: wp_enqueue_styles        : wp_enqueue_style = ngfb_social_buttons
    	ngfbSocial                :: get_js                   : exiting early: no buttons enabled
    	ngfbDebug                 :: get_html                 : truncating debug log
    <!-- ngfb meta tags begin -->
    <!-- NGFB Open Graph+ debug from ngfbHead::html() Open Graph Array :
        [fb:admins] => marmaraitiraf
        [fb:app_id] =>
        [og:locale] => tr_TR
        [og:site_name] => Marmara ?tiraf
        [og:url] => https://marmaraitiraf.localhost:8080/duyuru-girisimcilik-yarismasi-iktisat-ceko-maliye.html
        [og:title] => Duyuru: Giri?imcilik Yar??mas? (iktisat-?eko-maliye)
        [og:description] => Merhaba arkada?lar. Bo?azi?i üniversitesi’nin düzenledi?i bir giri?imcilik yar??mas? var. Ayr?nt?l? incelemeniz i?in link a?a??da...
        [og:type] => article
        [article:author] =>
        [article:publisher] => https://www.facebook.com/marmaraitiraf
        [article:tag] => Array
                [0] => hal
                [1] => iktisat
                [2] => ileti??im
                [3] => maliye
                [4] => marmara
        [article:section] => Social Networking
        [article:published_time] => 2013-11-03T22:58:57+00:00
        [article:modified_time] => 2013-11-03T23:08:08+00:00
        [og:image] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [og:image:cropped] => true
                        [og:image:height] => 630
                        [og:image:width] => 840
                        [og:image] => https://marmaraitiraf.localhost:8080/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/1364219171458.jpg
    <!-- NGFB Open Graph+ debug from ngfbHead::html() Media URLs Found :
        [https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-8BEWhzPlItk/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAADg/90yr6xtSkV4/photo.jpg?sz=40] => 1
        [https://marmaraitiraf.localhost:8080/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/1364219171458.jpg] => 1
    <meta name="generator" content="NGFB Open Graph+ 6.14.0 (GPL)" />
    <link rel="publisher" href="https://plus.google.com/111137354777846526925" />
    <meta property="fb:admins" content="marmaraitiraf" />
    <meta property="og:locale" content="tr_TR" />
    <meta property="og:site_name" content="Marmara ?tiraf" />
    <meta property="og:url" content="https://marmaraitiraf.localhost:8080/duyuru-girisimcilik-yarismasi-iktisat-ceko-maliye.html" />
    <meta property="og:title" content="Duyuru: Giri?imcilik Yar??mas? (iktisat-?eko-maliye)" />
    <meta property="og:description" content="Merhaba arkada?lar. Bo?azi?i üniversitesi’nin düzenledi?i bir giri?imcilik yar??mas? var. Ayr?nt?l? incelemeniz i?in link a?a??da..." />
    <meta property="og:type" content="article" />
    <meta property="article:publisher" content="https://www.facebook.com/marmaraitiraf" />
    <!-- article:tag:1 --><meta property="article:tag" content="hal" />
    <!-- article:tag:2 --><meta property="article:tag" content="iktisat" />
    <!-- article:tag:3 --><meta property="article:tag" content="" />
    <!-- article:tag:4 --><meta property="article:tag" content="maliye" />
    <!-- article:tag:5 --><meta property="article:tag" content="marmara" />
    <meta property="article:section" content="Social Networking" />
    <meta property="article:published_time" content="2013-11-03T22:58:57+00:00" />
    <meta property="article:modified_time" content="2013-11-03T23:08:08+00:00" />
    <!-- og:image:1 --><meta property="og:image" content="https://marmaraitiraf.localhost:8080/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/1364219171458.jpg" />
    <!-- og:image:1 --><meta property="og:image:height" content="630" />
    <!-- og:image:1 --><meta property="og:image:width" content="840" />
    <meta name="description" content="Merhaba arkada?lar. Bo?azi?i üniversitesi’nin düzenledi?i bir giri?imcilik yar??mas? var. Ayr?nt?l?..." />
    <!-- ngfb meta tags end -->
    <!-- NGFB Open Graph+ debug from ngfbHead::add_header() NGFB Constants :
    	NGFB_CACHEDIR = D:\MyShare\Cloud\xampp\htdocs\marmaraitiraf.net\public_html\wp-content\plugins\nextgen-facebook/cache/
    	NGFB_CACHEURL = https://marmaraitiraf.localhost:8080/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-facebook/cache/
    	NGFB_CURL_CAINFO = D:\MyShare\Cloud\xampp\htdocs\marmaraitiraf.net\public_html\wp-content\plugins\nextgen-facebook/share/curl/cacert.pem
    	NGFB_CURL_USERAGENT = Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.7; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0
    	NGFB_FILEPATH = D:\MyShare\Cloud\xampp\htdocs\marmaraitiraf.net\public_html\wp-content\plugins\nextgen-facebook\nextgen-facebook.php
    	NGFB_MAX_IMG_OG = 20
    	NGFB_MAX_VID_OG = 20
    	NGFB_META_NAME = _ngfb_meta
    	NGFB_MIN_DESC_LEN = 156
    	NGFB_NONCE = ********
    	NGFB_OG_SIZE_NAME = ngfb-open-graph
    	NGFB_OPTIONS_NAME = ngfb_options
    	NGFB_PLUGINBASE = nextgen-facebook/nextgen-facebook.php
    	NGFB_PLUGINDIR = D:\MyShare\Cloud\xampp\htdocs\marmaraitiraf.net\public_html\wp-content\plugins\nextgen-facebook/
    	NGFB_SITE_OPTIONS_NAME = ngfb_site_options
    	NGFB_TEXTDOM = nextgen-facebook
    	NGFB_URLPATH = https://marmaraitiraf.localhost:8080/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-facebook/
    <!-- NGFB Open Graph+ debug from ngfbHead::add_header() Available Features :
    	aioseop =
    	any_seo =
    	aop =
    	curl = 1
    	marketpress =
    	mbdecnum = 1
    	ngg =
    	postthumb = 1
    	seou =
    	woocommerce =
    	wpecommerce =
    	wpseo =
    <!-- NGFB Open Graph+ debug from ngfbHead::add_header() Debug Log :
    	ngfbHead                  :: add_header               : is_archive() = false
    	ngfbHead                  :: add_header               : is_category() = false
    	ngfbHead                  :: add_header               : is_tag() = false
    	ngfbHead                  :: add_header               : is_home() = false
    	ngfbHead                  :: add_header               : is_search() = false
    	ngfbHead                  :: add_header               : is_singular() = true
    	ngfbHead                  :: add_header               : is_attachment() = false
    	ngfbOpenGraph             :: get                      : transient cache is disabled
    	ngfbWebPage               :: get_title                : wp_title() = "Duyuru: Giri?imcilik Yar??mas? (iktisat-?eko-maliye) | "
    	ngfbWebPage               :: get_description          : use_post = false
    	ngfbWebPage               :: get_description          : is_singular() = true
    	ngfbWebPage               :: get_description          : has_excerpt() = false
    	ngfbWebPage               :: get_content              : using content from post id 6700
    	ngfbWebPage               :: get_content              : object cache: filtered content wp_cache salt ngfbWebPage::get_content(lang:tr_TR_post:6700_filtered)
    	ngfbSocial                :: remove_filter            : filter_the_content() removed = true
    	ngfbWebPage               :: get_content              : calling apply_filters()
    	ngfbSocial                :: add_filter               : filter_the_content() added
    	ngfbWebPage               :: get_content              : content strlen() before = 928, after = 3874
    	ngfbWebPage               :: get_content              : object cache: filtered content saved to wp_cache ngfb_009ddb7c1295a8bcd62bced337efbb8b (900 seconds)
    	ngfbOpenGraph             :: get                      : videos disabled: maximum videos = 0
    	ngfbMedia                 :: get_post_images          : args (num = 1, size_name = ngfb-open-graph, post_id = 6700, check_dupes = true)
    	ngfbMedia                 :: get_meta_image           : args (num = 1, size_name = ngfb-open-graph, post_id = 6700, check_dupes = true)
    	ngfbMedia                 :: get_featured             : args (num = 1, size_name = ngfb-open-graph, post_id = 6700, check_dupes = true)
    	ngfbMedia                 :: get_attached_images      : args (num = 1, size_name = ngfb-open-graph, post_id = 6700, check_dupes = true)
    	ngfbWebPage               :: get_content              : using content from post id 6700
    	ngfbWebPage               :: get_content              : object cache: filtered content wp_cache salt ngfbWebPage::get_content(lang:tr_TR_post:6700_filtered)
    	ngfbWebPage               :: get_content              : object cache: filtered content retrieved from wp_cache ngfb_009ddb7c1295a8bcd62bced337efbb8b
    	ngfbMedia                 :: get_content_images       : 1 x matching <img/> html tag(s) found
    	ngfbMedia                 :: get_content_images       : src = https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-8BEWhzPlItk/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAADg/90yr6xtSkV4/photo.jpg?sz=40 (20x20)
    	ngfbMedia                 :: get_content_images       : src image rejected: width and height attributes missing or too small
    	ngfbMedia                 :: get_default_image        : args (num = 1, size_name = ngfb-open-graph, check_dupes = true)
    	ngfbMedia                 :: get_attachment_image_src : args (pid = 4161, size_name = ngfb-open-graph, check_dupes = true)
    	ngfbMedia                 :: get_attachment_image_src : image_downsize: https://marmaraitiraf.localhost:8080/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/1364219171458.jpg (840x630)
    	ngfbMedia                 :: get_attachment_image_src : image metadata (x) does not match ngfb-open-graph (1200x630)
    	ngfbMedia                 :: get_attachment_image_src : calling image_make_intermediate_size()
    	ngfbMedia                 :: get_attachment_image_src : image resize failed
    	ngfbUtil                  :: slice_max                : max values reached (1 == 1)
    	ngfbWebPage               :: get_description          : use_post = false
    	ngfbWebPage               :: get_description          : is_singular() = true
    	ngfbWebPage               :: get_description          : has_excerpt() = false
    	ngfbWebPage               :: get_content              : using content from post id 6700
    	ngfbWebPage               :: get_content              : object cache: filtered content wp_cache salt ngfbWebPage::get_content(lang:tr_TR_post:6700_filtered)
    	ngfbWebPage               :: get_content              : object cache: filtered content retrieved from wp_cache ngfb_009ddb7c1295a8bcd62bced337efbb8b
    	ngfbHead                  :: html                     : 16 meta_tags to process
    	ngfbHead                  :: get_meta_html            : meta fb:admins = "marmaraitiraf"
    	ngfbHead                  :: get_meta_html            : meta fb:app_id is empty - skipping
    	ngfbHead                  :: get_meta_html            : meta og:locale = "tr_TR"
    	ngfbHead                  :: get_meta_html            : meta og:site_name = "Marmara ?tiraf"
    	ngfbHead                  :: get_meta_html            : meta og:url = "https://marmaraitiraf.localhost:8080/duyuru-girisimcilik-yarismasi-iktisat-ceko-maliye.html"
    	ngfbHead                  :: get_meta_html            : meta og:title = "Duyuru: Giri?imcilik Yar??mas? (iktisat-?eko-maliye)"
    	ngfbHead                  :: get_meta_html            : meta og:description = "Merhaba arkada?lar. Bo?azi?i üniversitesi’nin düzenledi?i bir giri?imcilik yar??mas? var. Ayr?nt?l? incelemeniz i?in link a?a??da..."
    	ngfbHead                  :: get_meta_html            : meta og:type = "article"
    	ngfbHead                  :: get_meta_html            : meta article:author is empty - skipping
    	ngfbHead                  :: get_meta_html            : meta article:publisher = "https://www.facebook.com/marmaraitiraf"
    	ngfbHead                  :: get_meta_html            : meta article:tag = "hal"
    	ngfbHead                  :: get_meta_html            : meta article:tag = "iktisat"
    	ngfbHead                  :: get_meta_html            : meta article:tag = ""
    	ngfbHead                  :: get_meta_html            : meta article:tag = "maliye"
    	ngfbHead                  :: get_meta_html            : meta article:tag = "marmara"
    	ngfbHead                  :: get_meta_html            : meta article:section = "Social Networking"
    	ngfbHead                  :: get_meta_html            : meta article:published_time = "2013-11-03T22:58:57+00:00"
    	ngfbHead                  :: get_meta_html            : meta article:modified_time = "2013-11-03T23:08:08+00:00"
    	ngfbHead                  :: get_meta_html            : meta og:image = "https://marmaraitiraf.localhost:8080/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/1364219171458.jpg"
    	ngfbHead                  :: get_meta_html            : meta og:image:cropped is disabled - skipping
    	ngfbHead                  :: get_meta_html            : meta og:image:height = "630"
    	ngfbHead                  :: get_meta_html            : meta og:image:width = "840"
    	ngfbHead                  :: get_meta_html            : meta description = "Merhaba arkada?lar. Bo?azi?i üniversitesi’nin düzenledi?i bir giri?imcilik yar??mas? var. Ayr?nt?l?..."
    	ngfbDebug                 :: get_html                 : truncating debug log
    <!-- NGFB Open Graph+ debug from ngfbHead::add_header() NGFB Settings :
    	buttons_add_to_attachment = 1
    	buttons_add_to_page = 1
    	buttons_add_to_post = 1
    	buttons_css_content = /* save an empty style text box to reload the defaults */
    .ngfb-content-buttons {
    	/* center the buttons with a 15px margin top/bottom */
    	margin:15px auto 15px auto;
    	/* un-comment to created a shadowed box for the buttons */
    		-moz-box-shadow:0 0 5px #aaa;
    		-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 5px #aaa;
    		box-shadow:0 0 5px #aaa;
    	buttons_css_excerpt = /* save an empty style text box to reload the defaults */
    .ngfb-excerpt-buttons {
    	/* center the buttons with a 10px margin top/bottom */
    	margin:10px auto 10px auto;
    	/* un-comment to created a shadowed box for the buttons */
    		-moz-box-shadow:0 0 5px #aaa;
    		-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 5px #aaa;
    		box-shadow:0 0 5px #aaa;
    	buttons_css_shortcode = /* save an empty style text box to reload the defaults */
    .ngfb-shortcode-buttons {
    	/* display the buttons inline, aligned with the left margin */
    	buttons_css_social = /* save an empty style text box to reload the defaults */
    /* make sure the Facebook flyout does not get clipped */
    #page { overflow:visible; }
    /* the .ngfb-buttons class is common to all other button classes */
    /* (excerpt, content, shortcode, widget). any change made to this */
    /* class will affect all other button layouts. */
    .ngfb-buttons { }
    .ngfb-buttons img { border:none; }
    .ngfb-buttons img:hover { border:none; }
    /* fix the Facebook "like" flyout on 2012 based themes */
    .ngfb-buttons iframe { max-width:none; }
    /* a common style for each individual buttons */
    /* only apply to immediate divs that follow the class */
    .ngfb-buttons > div {
    /* define specific widths for each button */
    .ngfb-buttons div.facebook-button { width:149px; }
    .ngfb-buttons div.gplus-button { width:99px; }
    .ngfb-buttons div.gplusone-button { width:75px; }
    .ngfb-buttons div.twitter-button { width:89px; }
    .ngfb-buttons div.linkedin-button { width:110px; }
    .ngfb-buttons div.managewp-button { width:100px; }
    .ngfb-buttons div.stumbleupon-button { width:84px; }
    .ngfb-buttons div.pinterest-button { width:78px; }
    .ngfb-buttons div.tumblr-button { width:81px; }
    .ngfb-buttons div.fb-share-button { width:105px; }
    .ngfb-buttons div.fb-share-button span {
    	display:block !important;
    	vertical-align:middle !important;
    	buttons_css_widget = /* save an empty style text box to reload the defaults */
    /* align vertically in a 160px wide column */
    .ngfb-widget-buttons {
    .ngfb-widget-buttons .ngfb-buttons {
    .ngfb-widget-buttons .ngfb-buttons > div {
    	buttons_link_css = 1
    	buttons_location_the_content = bottom
    	buttons_location_the_excerpt = bottom
    	buttons_on_front = 0
    	buttons_on_index = 0
    	fb_action = like
    	fb_admins = marmaraitiraf
    	fb_app_id =
    	fb_button = like
    	fb_colorscheme = light
    	fb_font = arial
    	fb_js_loc = header
    	fb_lang = tr_TR
    	fb_layout = button_count
    	fb_markup = xfbml
    	fb_on_admin_sharing = 0
    	fb_on_the_content = 0
    	fb_on_the_excerpt = 0
    	fb_order = 1
    	fb_send = 0
    	fb_show_faces = 0
    	fb_type = button_count
    	gp_action = plusone
    	gp_annotation = bubble
    	gp_expandto = none
    	gp_js_loc = header
    	gp_lang = en-US
    	gp_on_admin_sharing = 0
    	gp_on_the_content = 0
    	gp_on_the_excerpt = 0
    	gp_order = 2
    	gp_size = medium
    	inc_article:author = 1
    	inc_article:modified_time = 1
    	inc_article:published_time = 1
    	inc_article:publisher = 1
    	inc_article:section = 1
    	inc_article:tag = 1
    	inc_description = 1
    	inc_fb:admins = 1
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    	inc_og:description = 1
    	inc_og:image = 1
    	inc_og:image:height = 1
    	inc_og:image:secure_url = 1
    	inc_og:image:width = 1
    	inc_og:locale = 1
    	inc_og:site_name = 1
    	inc_og:title = 1
    	inc_og:type = 1
    	inc_og:url = 1
    	inc_og:video = 1
    	inc_og:video:height = 1
    	inc_og:video:secure_url = 1
    	inc_og:video:type = 1
    	inc_og:video:width = 1
    	inc_product:availability = 1
    	inc_product:price:amount = 1
    	inc_product:price:currency = 1
    	inc_twitter:card = 1
    	inc_twitter:creator = 1
    	inc_twitter:data1 = 1
    	inc_twitter:data2 = 1
    	inc_twitter:data3 = 1
    	inc_twitter:data4 = 1
    	inc_twitter:description = 1
    	inc_twitter:image = 1
    	inc_twitter:image0 = 1
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    	inc_twitter:label4 = 1
    	inc_twitter:player = 1
    	inc_twitter:player:height = 1
    	inc_twitter:player:width = 1
    	inc_twitter:site = 1
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    	link_def_author_on_search = 0
    	link_publisher_url = https://plus.google.com/111137354777846526925
    	linkedin_counter = right
    	linkedin_js_loc = header
    	linkedin_on_admin_sharing = 1
    	linkedin_on_the_content = 0
    	linkedin_on_the_excerpt = 0
    	linkedin_order = 4
    	linkedin_showzero = 1
    	managewp_js_loc = header
    	managewp_on_admin_sharing = 1
    	managewp_on_the_content = 0
    	managewp_on_the_excerpt = 0
    	managewp_order = 5
    	managewp_type = small
    	meta_desc_len = 120
    	og_art_section = Social Networking
    	og_author_fallback = 0
    	og_author_field = facebook
    	og_def_author_id = 648
    	og_def_author_on_index = 0
    	og_def_author_on_search = 0
    	og_def_img_id = 4161
    	og_def_img_id_pre = wp
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    	og_desc_len = 156
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    	og_site_name = Marmara ?tiraf
    	og_title_len = 70
    	og_title_sep = |
    	og_vid_https = 0
    	og_vid_max = 0
    	options_version = 100
    	pin_cap_len = 500
    	pin_caption = both
    	pin_count_layout = horizontal
    	pin_img_size = large
    	pin_img_url = https://assets.pinterest.com/images/PinExt.png
    	pin_js_loc = header
    	pin_on_admin_sharing = 1
    	pin_on_the_content = 0
    	pin_on_the_excerpt = 0
    	pin_order = 7
    	plugin_add_to_attachment = 1
    	plugin_add_to_page = 1
    	plugin_add_to_post = 1
    	plugin_bitly_api_key = ********
    	plugin_bitly_login =
    	plugin_cdn_excl =
    	plugin_cdn_folders = wp-content, wp-includes
    	plugin_cdn_not_https = 1
    	plugin_cdn_urls =
    	plugin_cdn_www_opt = 1
    	plugin_cm_fb_enabled = 1
    	plugin_cm_fb_label = Facebook URL
    	plugin_cm_fb_name = facebook
    	plugin_cm_gp_enabled = 1
    	plugin_cm_gp_label = Google+ URL
    	plugin_cm_gp_name = gplus
    	plugin_cm_linkedin_enabled = 0
    	plugin_cm_linkedin_label = LinkedIn URL
    	plugin_cm_linkedin_name = linkedin
    	plugin_cm_pin_enabled = 0
    	plugin_cm_pin_label = Pinterest URL
    	plugin_cm_pin_name = pinterest
    	plugin_cm_skype_enabled = 0
    	plugin_cm_skype_label = Skype Username
    	plugin_cm_skype_name = skype
    	plugin_cm_tumblr_enabled = 0
    	plugin_cm_tumblr_label = Tumblr URL
    	plugin_cm_tumblr_name = tumblr
    	plugin_cm_twitter_enabled = 1
    	plugin_cm_twitter_label = Twitter @username
    	plugin_cm_twitter_name = twitter
    	plugin_cm_yt_enabled = 0
    	plugin_cm_yt_label = YouTube Channel URL
    	plugin_cm_yt_name = youtube
    	plugin_debug = 1
    	plugin_file_cache_hrs = 0
    	plugin_filter_content = 1
    	plugin_filter_excerpt = 0
    	plugin_googl_api_key = ********
    	plugin_ignore_small_img = 1
    	plugin_min_shorten = 21
    	plugin_object_cache_exp = 900
    	plugin_preserve = 0
    	plugin_pro_tid = ********
    	plugin_reset = 0
    	plugin_shortcode_ngfb = 0
    	plugin_verify_certs = 0
    	plugin_version = 6.14.0
    	stumble_badge = 1
    	stumble_js_loc = header
    	stumble_on_admin_sharing = 1
    	stumble_on_the_content = 0
    	stumble_on_the_excerpt = 0
    	stumble_order = 6
    	tc_desc_len = 200
    	tc_enable = 0
    	tc_gal_min = 4
    	tc_gal_size = medium
    	tc_large_size = medium
    	tc_photo_size = large
    	tc_prod_def_d2 = Unknown
    	tc_prod_def_l2 = Location
    	tc_prod_size = medium
    	tc_site =
    	tc_sum_size = thumbnail
    	tumblr_button_style = share_1
    	tumblr_cap_len = 500
    	tumblr_caption = both
    	tumblr_desc_len = 300
    	tumblr_img_size = large
    	tumblr_js_loc = footer
    	tumblr_on_admin_sharing = 1
    	tumblr_on_the_content = 0
    	tumblr_on_the_excerpt = 0
    	tumblr_order = 8
    	tumblr_photo = 1
    	twitter_cap_len = 140
    	twitter_caption = title
    	twitter_count = horizontal
    	twitter_dnt = 1
    	twitter_js_loc = header
    	twitter_lang = en
    	twitter_on_admin_sharing = 1
    	twitter_on_the_content = 0
    	twitter_on_the_excerpt = 0
    	twitter_order = 3
    	twitter_rel_author = 1
    	twitter_shortener =
    	twitter_size = medium
    	twitter_via = 1
    	wp_cm_aim_enabled = 1
    	wp_cm_aim_label = AIM
    	wp_cm_jabber_enabled = 1
    	wp_cm_jabber_label = Jabber / Google Talk
    	wp_cm_yim_enabled = 1
    	wp_cm_yim_label = Yahoo IM

    Thread Starter Mustafa YALCIN


    That’s post.
    I saw errors some post. But other post is seeing good
    Debug mode off;

    <!-- ngfb meta tags begin -->
    <meta name="generator" content="NGFB Open Graph+ 6.14.0 (GPL)" />
    <br />
    <b>Warning</b>:  array_key_exists() [<a href='function.array-key-exists'>function.array-key-exists</a>]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in <b>D:\MyShare\Cloud\xampp\htdocs\marmaraitiraf.net\public_html\wp-content\plugins\nextgen-facebook\lib\head.php</b> on line <b>93</b><br />
    <br />
    <b>Warning</b>:  array_key_exists() [<a href='function.array-key-exists'>function.array-key-exists</a>]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in <b>D:\MyShare\Cloud\xampp\htdocs\marmaraitiraf.net\public_html\wp-content\plugins\nextgen-facebook\lib\head.php</b> on line <b>99</b><br />
    <link rel="publisher" href="https://plus.google.com/111137354777846526925" />
    <br />
    <b>Warning</b>:  array_key_exists() [<a href='function.array-key-exists'>function.array-key-exists</a>]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in <b>D:\MyShare\Cloud\xampp\htdocs\marmaraitiraf.net\public_html\wp-content\plugins\nextgen-facebook\lib\head.php</b> on line <b>124</b><br />
    <br />
    <b>Warning</b>:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <b>D:\MyShare\Cloud\xampp\htdocs\marmaraitiraf.net\public_html\wp-content\plugins\nextgen-facebook\lib\head.php</b> on line <b>142</b><br />
    <!-- ngfb meta tags end -->

    Plugin Author JS Morisset


    So turning on debug mode made it work?

    Hm. You might have an issue with your get_transient() function if that’s the case…


    Thread Starter Mustafa YALCIN


    My plugin installation completed without errors.
    Step 1:
    Debug mode Off.
    I saw errors some post. But other post is seeing good.

    Step 2:
    Debug mode on.
    i didn’t see any error.

    Debug mode On At URL
    This page have error when debog mode was off

    Plugin Author JS Morisset


    There seems to be some html debug messages missing from the header in that URL, but that could be cause by another webpage optimization plugin (which often strip out html comments).

    Pick a page you see the error on, then add the following to your wp-config.php file:

    define('NGFB_TRANSIENT_CACHE_DISABLE', false);

    If the problem goes away, then it’s probably related to the get_transient() method. It should return false when no transient object is found, or return an array that was stored previously. It sounds like get_transient() in your case might be returning something else. Do you have a caching plugin? You could try to disable it and see if the problem goes away.

    If you’re comfortable editing PHP files, you could also try editing wp-content/plugins/nextgen-facebook/lib/opengraph.php and changing this:

    47:  if ( $og !== false ) {

    To this:

    47:  if ( is_array( $og ) ) {

    Have you tried the techniques from “Debugging and Problem Solving” in the Other Notes? https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/nextgen-facebook/other_notes/


    Plugin Author JS Morisset


    Ooops – just noticed that my previous instructions had a small oversight – that constant should be set to true, not false. ??



    Thread Starter Mustafa YALCIN


    Thanks. Now working ! ??

    Thread Starter Mustafa YALCIN


    hi, i have another problem
    please look this page

    Thread Starter Mustafa YALCIN


    Facebook dev debug tools :
    Parser Mismatched Metadata The parser's result for this metadata did not match the input metadata. Likely, this was caused by the data being ordered in an unexpected way, multiple values being given for a property only expecting a single value, or property values for a given property being mismatched. Here are the input properties that were not seen in the parsed result: 'article:tag'

    Pos Tag;
    gelmek, istiyorum, k?z, tef
    Thats My tags at header

    <meta property="article:tag" content="gelmek"/>
     <meta property="article:tag" content="istiyorum"/>
    <strong> <meta property="article:tag" content=""/></strong>
     <meta property="article:tag" content="tef"/>

    Why do hide this keyword?
    So If keyword changed hide, Why do plugin generate for ‘blank tag’

    Plugin Author JS Morisset


    Looking at the Facebook debugger result, I don’t see any errors, except for the missing description, which could be caused by a few things (post/page without content, excerpt, etc.).


    BTW, the fact that your get_transient() function is not returning false (see https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Function_Reference/get_transient), or a previously stored array, points to a potentially serious infrastructure issue. Using define('NGFB_TRANSIENT_CACHE_DISABLE', true); is not a solution, only a work around. The solution would be to find what is messing with your get_transient() function.


    Thread Starter Mustafa YALCIN


    Pos Tag;
    gelmek, istiyorum, k?z, tef
    Thats My tags at header
    <meta property=”article:tag” content=”gelmek”/>
    <meta property=”article:tag” content=”istiyorum”/>
    <meta property=”article:tag” content=””/>
    <meta property=”article:tag” content=”tef”/>


    Plugin Author JS Morisset


    There are no open graph meta tags on this page.

    Inferred Property	The 'og:url' property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
    Inferred Property	The 'og:title' property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
    Inferred Property	The 'og:description' property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
    Inferred Property	The 'og:image' property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
    og:image should be larger	Provided og:image is not big enough. Please use an image that's at least 200x200 px. Image 'https://www.marmaraitiraf.net/logo/itiraf_logo_organizasyon.png' will be used instead.


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