Hi, I’ll try and address these separately:
1. Chrome issues: Browser zoom level and device pixel ratios seem incorrect on your website which I haven’t seen. A workaround in Chrome is to ignore the device pixel ratio and zoom levels to be able to view the heat maps. I’m able to view the heat maps fine.
2. Information panel issue:
Version 2.2.4 includes z-index CSS changes to ensure the information panel appears on top. Try clearing your browser cache and also clear the cache in the W3 Total Cache plugin settings. That fixed it for me.
3. Firefox/Safari width and page refresh issue: I’m guessing the 10px difference is the vertical scrollbar which sometimes appears when viewing the heat map. The website width = window innerWidth – vertical scrollbar width (if it exists) + any remaining horizontal scroll width. So check if the vertical scrollbar has been added when viewing the heat map. Sometimes the scrollbar is added when resizing and then a refresh makes it disappear. I’ve allowed +-6px for the widths to display the mouse clicks on the heat map. I might make this a custom option so you can enter +-10px if you want in case a vertical scrollbar appears.
There are a lot of inconsistencies between browsers (www.quirksmode.org provides a good summary). This means that it does not work in all browsers, but I’ve tried to make it work in most modern browsers of IE, FF, Opera, Safari and Chrome.
Can you please provide more information regarding the 2200px measurement which is actually 1525px?