@mkmllr – Sorry to hear that, but it sounds like you had some setup issues.
1. Appears you didn’t add any conditions to your popups. Conditions control where each popup is loaded. If you only need Popup A on page b, then conditions are how you achieve this.
2. Our JS cannot block rendering of the page. 100% of our JS is loaded using defer which tells the browser to not even load and process our code until the page has fully loaded. You can read more here: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_script_defer.asp
3. Depending on how you are testing page load speeds, you may simply be getting inaccurate information. To clarify sites like pingdom that do page speed testing all made changes in the last year, most of them without notifying people of how it actually works now. So here is the details on that process. They do not stop the timers when the page finishes loading. The timers continue to run up to 30 seconds after the page officially loads. They do this because of sites such as Google Analytics where the page initially loads, but content is loaded via AJAX after its loaded. But this change also causes false high load times when any plugin uses deferred loading or ajax requests after the page loaded. Our plugin does both, deferring JS and an ajax request if a popup opens.
Because of the silent changes they made it appears your page load times are up, but in fact our code cannot & won’t run until the page has already loaded. Thus its innacurate representation.
All in all the issues you described can all be solved with little to no effort on your part, and the extra load time needs to be looked at with some discretion.
Additional notes:
– The only thing we do that can affect actual page load time would be in our queries, which are limited to 2 and have been heavily optimized.
– Your popups content can also be part of the problem. If you load videos for instance in the popups, the browser loads them whether the popup opens or not. This is not something specific to popups, if you inserted that same content on the page it would still increase loads. Now consider this if you don’t apply conditions, now all your popups content is adding up.
– If you are running a lot of content in popups we have other solutions that may work better such as Remote Content or even Popup Videos extensions.
All in all it sounds like you should be able to resolve it quickly. Hope you will reconsider your review & rating once the facts have been reviewed.
Either way thanks for the valuable feedback. Hope I have alleviated some of your concerns here.