This issue wouldn’t be so important if jetpacks comments weren’t comming from an iFrame.
It looks just fine with these adjustments:
#respond .comment-form-avatar {float:right;margin-left:10px;}
.comment-form-padder {text-align: right;}
#respond #comment-form-identity #comment-form-nascar p {float:right;padding: 7px 12px 0 0px;}
#respond #comment-form-identity #comment-form-nascar ul {float:left;}
#respond #comment-form-subscribe {float:right;}
#respond .form-submit {float:left;}
#respond .comment-form-fields label {text-align:right}
#respond.js .comment-form-fields label {right: 8px;}
#respond.js .comment-form-fields label span.nopublish {right: 35px;}
– The link on the tiny icon for WordPress should go to:
– And the little black pop-up that comes up upon mouseover the login-/w icons, that should also be translated and since the icons go float:left, it should upon to the right of the icons.
Thanks a lot.