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  • Hi

    If you could give us the url to your site I may be able to help you out.

    All the best
    Dave Foston

    Thread Starter SephiHxC


    Hi, I just put it online here :

    But I didn’t use the code I gave earlier because of the footer which stayed in the middle of the screen.

    Thank you!


    I’ve had a look at your site – it is seriously very nice looking. I see it is in French – are you based there? I ask as I am living there.

    Back to your site: I found this article a while ago that you may find useful:

    Adapting what is used in the article to your site; I came up with these ideas for the style.css file

    html {height:100%;} /* body is already 100% */
    #wrapper {
    #content-wrapper {
    	padding: 36px 0 120px 0;
    #footer {
    padding: 24px 40px 0 40px;
    height: 100px;
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 40px;
    left: -26px;
    #footer-bar {
    height: 20px;
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 20px;

    Some of the figures may not be perfect and you may need to change the px to some other way of taking the positions such as % or em. This would be to cope with the responsive side of the theme. You’ll have to play around with that.

    Don’t forget that any changes made will be over-written and lost if you update the theme. I’m not sure if Corpo has a way of customizing css already but you could try making a child theme and carrying out any cusomization there.

    I hope this helps – all the best
    Dave Foston

    Thread Starter SephiHxC



    Yes I live in France, and this website is for my dad’s company! Thank you for the compliment and your help. I am going to try this and give you some feedback. By the way I am using “My Custom CSS” plug in so it doesn’t erase the theme’s CSS.

    Thanks again!


    That’s great – it is a good plug-in or so I believe.

    We actually pass not far from your dad’s pizza restaurant on our trips from near Geneva to the Lot. So perhaps we should call in some day and try his pizzas!

    Keep up the great work

    All the best

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