• Everybody takes a turn, lol — at this point, I’ve been up too long to “figure” anything out. I’m looking for a handout, k…

    The Goal: To Have RSS & XML Feeds DISPLAY in my WP posts. I hit publish and I would want to see the feed. Simple as that.

    What I have done: Acquired RSS Fetch, CG FeedRead, RSS2HTML — AND — PHPExec. I think I have done everything as instructed, but alas…

    The only feeds I have gotten to “display” are the ones I muscle into the crannies of the WP template, or place on external HTML pages, which I parse with either RSSF or RSS2 in the URL. All server-side platform requirements are met.

    <b>What must I do?</b>

    Somewhere, I saw there was a small mod I might have to make to one of the template files. Can’t find that for the life of me, now — 2hp — ??

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  • You need this:
    Read everything when installing.

    <?php rssLinkList("https://del.icio.us/rss/finalcut", 10); ?>

    That would produce the last 10 posts, in default format, wherever you put the code.
    IF you want this to auto post, you will have to remove the loop and instead put those LinkList calls in place – but why would you want to do that ?

    Thread Starter 2houseplague


    Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: lastrss in /usr/home/BLAH/domains/mydomain.com/public_html/
    MYFOLDER/wp-content/plugins/rssLinkList.php on line 206

    Have you gone over the readme carefully ?
    I’ve installed this plugin several times without error.

    Thread Starter 2houseplague


    yes, i think so. i did only 3 things:

    1. uploaded lastRSS.php to /wp-content/ folder

    2. uploaded rssLinkList.php to /wp-content/plugins/ folder

    3. Edited rssLinkList as follows:

    $lastRSSPath = ‘https://myWPdomain.com/wp-content/lastRSS.php&#8217;;
    $cacheDirectory = ‘https://myWPdomain.com/wp-content/rsscache/&#8217;;
    $cacheTimeout = 21600; // 21600 sec is 6 hours.
    $CDATA = ‘content’;
    $showRSSLinkListJS = true;

    4. activated plug-in

    5. placed the following code (exactly as is) in a post and then in the sidebar template.

      rssLinkList(“working feed URL”);

    the post showed the code, unparsed. the sidebar placement showed the error above.

    did i forget something?

    5 – you can’t do that.
    If you want to run code in a post, you’ll need to take a different approach.
    Or do you want this code to generate posts ?

    You can’t place raw PHP into posts without a plugin like RunPHP.

    Thread Starter 2houseplague


    okay — what approach is that?

    Thread Starter 2houseplague


    “You can’t place raw PHP into posts without a plugin like RunPHP.”

    I hear ya, yet this solution makes no mention of it. Please read my first post to see what methods i have ALREADY tried.

    Thread Starter 2houseplague




    Shouting is considered rude. Do not do that.

    Feeds displayed in post.
    Means what ?

    Do you want the feeds AS your posts and to appear without you doing anything at all ? In other words, you give it the links and it churns out the posts ?

    Thread Starter 2houseplague


    sorry for the “shout” , – i still think of caps as a way to achieve visual distinctiveness and bring to the eye what is most important on the page — therefore a “service” [wink] not a rudeness…

    I want to post manually, as always, but to include the contents of a feed — i don’t need to have there be any automation in this process, except for the correct parsing of the feed within the posts i choose to include feeds into.

    Thread Starter 2houseplague


    still, hopeful — ??

    Thread Starter 2houseplague


    hello, again — thought i’d hope some more — ??

    odd though, this seems a popular, often-requested feature, that’s (supposed) to have several different working solutions available — can anyone at least confirm that it IS possible to hit “publish” and see the feed displayed in my post?

    Actually, I’m not aware of too many people looking to include a feed inside a post. Most people display feed contents in a sidebar somewhere.

    I’ve not used PHPExec, so I don’t know how it works. I do know that with RunPHP, you need to check eval() code when publishing the post, or else RunPHP will simply display your PHP as regular post contents without actually executing it.

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