Hello Yoast
Hello Yoast How are you ?
I’m using SEO by Yoast on my website
And Entered the Sitemap of SEO By Yoast but getting errors in webmaster and toooo maney errors I means above 2000+In webmaster entered the Sitemap like this
https://sample.com/sitemap_index.xmlThen I got toooo many errors like
Url blocked by robots.txt.
Sitemap contains urls which are blocked by robots.txt.Then I tried the Sitemap like
https://sample.com/post-sitemap.xmlThen Got Again same errors
I don’t Know why ?
Can you help me ?
Is it Plugin issue ?You can see the Snapshot here
https://prntscr.com/6ad9t8I’m waiting for you Answer Dear Yoast
Thanks Best Regards!
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