I am using accordion in Cff form. I want to use symbols to expand the accordion.
i am using this jquery code
please check , let me know where i am done mistake..
jQuery(document).on(‘click’, ‘#fbuilder .accordion>fieldset>legend’, function(){
jQuery(‘#fbuilder .accordion>fieldset>div’).hide();
jQuery(‘#fbuilder .accordion>fieldset>div>span’).removeClass(“fa-minus”).addClass(“fa-plus”);
jQuery(this).children(‘#fbuilder .accordion>fieldset>div>span’).removeClass(“fa-plus”).addClass(“fa-minus”);
Hello @arnab28
Our plugin does not include an accordion control. However, they can be emulated with fieldset fields. If you need a custom coding service to implement an accordion do not hesitate to contact us through our private website: Custom Coding Service
Best regards.
If the user does not enter any value how by default value I am used in the Calculation field for other calculations?
like if the user doe’s not entered any value we need to use the default value, or user enters any value we can’t use the default value, how can I make that?
Hello @arnab28
You can assign default values to the fields through their settings. And the users can replace these values at the runtime.
But pay attention, if you tick the checkbox in the fields’ settings to use the default values as placeholders, the information entered through the “Default value” attribute would be used as a placeholder and ignored by the equations or the form’s submission. More information about the “placeholder” attribute in the HTML Standard by reading the following documentation:
Best regards.
I think you do not understand my point.
please check these two URL, and
this two image is one calculation filed predefine value I enter 45,000 and calculation field I used filedname42 value, i am looking for like when user doe’s not entered anything in fieldname42 then default value 45000 capture on calculation field or when the user enters a value in fieldname42 then calculation filed capture the only user enter the value, doe’s not capturing predefine value(45,000).One more question is can I use the condition tag in the calculation file but when I am using the condition tag on mail body, it works fine, but I want to capture the condition tag value in the calculation filed. how can I make that?
Hello @arnab28
If you have enabled the dynamic evaluation of the equations, the equation would be evaluated by default. In this case, the preferred solution would include the default value as part of the equation as follows:
PREC(IF(fieldname41, fieldname41, 45000),2)
In the previous code, the “IF” is a conditional operation, but you can implement this equation using the “if” conditional statement of javascript (javascript is a case sensitive language, please, do not confuse the “IF” operation in the plugin with the “if” conditional statement of javascript):
(function(){ if(fieldname41) return PREC(fieldname41, 2); else return PREC(45000, 2); })()
Best regards.
I am using checkboxes where I am using three options for selected. like 1st value is (2.5%), 2nd value is (1.5%) and the third value is (1%). when i selected 1st and 2nd option at at time then i will get value (min(2.5%,1.5%)= result is 1.5%) and when i seceted 2nd and 3rd option i will get value(min(1.5%,1%)= result is 1%) and when i am using 1st and 3rd option i will get (min(2.5%,1%)=result is 1%) and last when i seleted all three value i will get value like (min(2.5%,1.5%,1%)= result is 1%).
how can I make that?I want to store this value in the calculation field. when I selected individually I will get the right answer but when I select two options then I am facing this problem.
Hello @arnab28
First, enter only numbers as the values of checkbox options.
Second, untick the attribute to “Merge the ticked options” in the settings of the checkbox field (now the value of the checkbox field would be an array with the values of ticked choices)
Third, to get the minimum value between them, assuming the checkbox field is the fieldname1, use the following piece of code as part of the equation:
That’s all.
Best regards.
I understand your 1st point, isted of % I used a number that’s okay, but I didn’t get your 2nd and last point. can you make a sort video for that . insted of use this value 2.5% = 0.025, 1.5%=0.015 and 1% = 0.01.
Hello @arnab28
If you need we implement your equations you can contact us directly through our private website: Custom Coding Service
Best regards.
I am using the three number field. I want the sum of three input values adds to 100.
if user enters three filed value below 100 or up 100 then the user shows an alert like (“this three filed doe’s not added 100”)1)i am using this jquery code for when user check into checkboxes then other filed is disapper on read only. this i am using for check box only .
to use this code
jQuery(document).on(‘change’, ‘[id*=”fieldname93_1_cb0″]’, function(){
var readonly = !this.checked;
jQuery(‘[id*=”fieldname82_1″]’).prop(‘readonly’, readonly);
2)but now I need when the user enters some value then other fields disappear read-only.
can you help me with which code I need to change to work on my 2nd question?Hello @arnab28
Assuming the number fields are: fieldname1, fieldname2, and fieldname3, if you want to display a custom message if the sum of them is different to 100:
1. Insert an “HTML Content” field in the form with the message you want.
2. Insert a calculated field to be used as an auxiliary (you can hide by ticking a checkbox in its settings) with the equation:
3. Finally, in the settings of the calculated field you can define a dependency as follows:
If the value is not equal to 100, and then select the HTML Content field inserted previously through the list of dependent fields.
Concerning your second question, you can do it with a calculated field too using the following equation:
First, untick the checkbox that merges the choices in the calculated field. Now, the value of the field would be an array with the values of the ticked choices.
Now, assuming the values of the choices are 1, 2, and 3,
The equation can be implemented as follows (the fields’ names and values are hypothetical):
(function(){ var f_a = getField(fieldname82|n).jQueryRef().find('input'), f_b = getField(fieldname83|n).jQueryRef().find('input'), f_c = getField(fieldname84|n).jQueryRef().find('input'); f_a.prop('readonly', true); f_b.prop('readonly', true); f_c.prop('readonly', true); if(IN(1, fieldname93)) f_a.prop('readonly', false); if(IN(2, fieldname93)) f_b.prop('readonly', false); if(IN(3, fieldname93)) f_c.prop('readonly', false); })()
And that’s all.
Best regards.Thanks for your code. this code use for read only show.
i used this code
var f_a = getField(fieldname81|n).jQueryRef().find(‘input’),
f_b = getField(fieldname82|n).jQueryRef().find(‘input’),
f_c = getField(fieldname83|n).jQueryRef().find(‘input’);
f_d = getField(fieldname91|n).jQueryRef().find(‘input’),
f_e = getField(fieldname92|n).jQueryRef().find(‘input’),
f_f = getField(fieldname93|n).jQueryRef().find(‘input’);f_a.prop(‘readonly’, true);
f_b.prop(‘readonly’, true);
f_c.prop(‘readonly’, true);
f_d.prop(‘readonly’, true);
f_e.prop(‘readonly’, true);
f_f.prop(‘readonly’, true);
if(IN(1, fieldname71)) f_a.prop(‘readonly’, false);
if(IN(2, fieldname72)) f_b.prop(‘readonly’, false);
if(IN(3, fieldname73)) f_c.prop(‘readonly’, false);
})()i want like when i enter value in Field(71,72,73) then read-only will be
if i enter the value in filed 71 then field (81 and 91) field will be disable the readonly other with it will be enable readly always
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