• Hi i havee a next form down and i want to implement with contact form 7 i am not so good in hooks so lloking for a little help:
    <form method=”post” align=”middle”>
    <div align=”center”>

    <strong<label for=”broj odraslih” size=15 class=”cctm_label cctm_text” id=”cctm_label_brojodraslih”>Broj Odraslih*</label>
    <input type=”number” name=”cctm_brojodraslih” class=”cctm_text ” id=”cctmbrojodraslih” min=”1″ max=”5″ value=”1″ />

    <strong<label for=”Broj dece” class=”cctm_label cctm_text” id=”cctm_label_brojdece”>Broj dece*</label>
    <input type=”number” name=”cctm_brojdece” class=”cctm_text ” id=”brojdece” min=”0″ max=”5″ value=”0″/>

    Hotel cena za odrasle <?php print_custom_field( ‘hotelcenazaodrasle’ ); ?>
    hotel cena za decu <?php print_custom_field( ‘hotelcenazadecu’ ); ?>
    Avio karta za odrasle cena <?php print_custom_field( ‘aviokartazaodrasle’ ); ?>
    Avio karta za decu cena <?php print_custom_field( ‘aviokartezadecu’ ); ?>

    <input type=”submit” name=”Calculate” value=”Calculate” formtarget=”_self”


    $a = get_custom_field( ‘hotelcenazaodrasle’ );
    $b = $_POST[‘cctm_brojodraslih’];
    $c = get_custom_field( ‘hotelcenazadecu’ );
    $d = $_POST[‘cctm_brojdece’];
    $e = get_custom_field( ‘aviokartazaodrasle’ );
    $f = get_custom_field( ‘aviokartezadecu’ );

    $hotel = ( $a * $b ) + ( $c * $d );

    $aviokarte = ( $e * $b ) + ( $f * $d );

    $total = ( $a * $b ) + ( $c * $d ) + ( $e * $b ) + ( $f * $d );
    print ( “HOTEL $hotel
    ” );
    print ( “AVIO KARTE $aviokarte
    ” );
    print ( “<h3>TOTAL EUR</h3> $total
    ” );



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