• How can I put My “Weather Icon” Info and “Witty” quotes in separete new pull down menus like I already have?

    I tried but without success. I noticed my theme uses “javascript:switchit” artribute to do this with the other menus.



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  • Thread Starter lmannyr



    Luis & Carla: I noticed by visiting your URL, that you have this sorted out. I’m trying to do the same for my blog. Did you find a plugin? Or was it the javascript:switchit code? Can you tell me where you found the information to set this up? Tks! w-

    You’ll have to use what the theme uses, which appears to be the javascript. I couldn’t find the theme to download it and check it out, but you will have to set it up with the same classes as the other dropdown lists.

    Thanks Beel. I think I found the template here:


    There’s even a link to another blog which seems to use a modified “Connections” theme (the same theme on which mine is based). Looks like I have some things to figure out. ??

    I downloaded the theme and it is easy to add extra “stuff” – just grab one item that is there, copy paste it where you want your new sidebar item and substitute the name heading and “new stuff”. I wanted my weather stuff not to be in a dropdown but have similar heading:
    <div class=”menuheader”><div>Boulder, Colorado</div></div>
    $weather = new xoapWeather();

    Fortunately there is a “customize.txt” file which should explain how to do more.

    Yep, you just need to have it in a div with the class menuheader.

    You can actually just replace <li class="weather"> with <div class="menuheader"> and the </li> below with </div>.

    BTW – new version of WeatherIcon will be out soon. ??

    I went ahead and made my weather section a drop down but set it to “true” so it would automatically show the weather on first visit (same with my random quote section). It’s easier than it looks.

    I was so close to saying Mission Accomplished.

    I downloaded the Neuron Theme and studied these sites:

    That last one is also based on the Connections theme. All four sites seem to do what I set out to accomplish. I bounced around between them and the Neuron theme sidebar.php file for reference. I thought I was there. I swore I was there. Except for one thing..

    The drop down sidebar menus only seems to work on the first (main) page. When visiting the other pages, the menus are frozen in the un-collapsed position and the “button” is inoperative.

    I was so close too. I’ve been at this all day. Time to call it a night. Tomorrow is another day.

    Thanks for the help, fellas. ??

    Sounds like you are caught in the relative vs. absolute trap. When including a javascript file to do this, you have to use the absolute path to the js file. If not, once you move off the front page, the page looks for the js file relative to where it is now (which happened to work on the main page).

    Hi Beel, That was a good place to start, and one I hadn’t already thought of yet. Thing is, all the examples I looked at, used absolute paths and because of this, so did I. Turns out that there are a couple of pieces of code that I put on the main template (index.php):

    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://www.eticketride.org/wpblog/wp-content/themes/connections/nicetitle.js”&gt;
    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://www.eticketride.org/wpblog/wp-content/themes/connections/sidebar.js”&gt;

    I did not have these on my page template (page.php) which I believe is used to create my “other pages” like my about page, mods page, contact page etc. I also had to add it to pages that I threw together without using the page template, like the who’s online page.

    There is one interesting little discovery though. When I revisited those two pieces of code, I noticed that the second one (for sidebar.js) still pointed to Luis and Carla’s site. Darn copy and paste. I guess that means that every time I clicked on my side bar to actuate a drop down menu, all those times I thought “Hey! It works!” My site was actually hitting theirs. ahem… sorry guys.

    The link was corrected, and both pieces of code were added to all the other pages and now I think I have it covered everywhere. Holy crap. Aren’t you guys glad I’m not a mechanic or a surgeon? ?? “Duh, I didn’t know that goes in there!”

    I was also trying to port the switchit script from Neuron theme to “connections reloaded” but found similar problem. See https://www.sfong.net/fun the “pages” section under sidebar. I have the section expanded no matter “true” or “false” is used in the script. When I mouse over the “-” sign it shows the correct path to the js file. What has gone wrong? Anyone any clues?

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