Well I think that I have found a easy way to RECOVER the form templates that, with the actual wordpress installation, couldn′t be recovered as the plug in is not responding on WP4.2 .
It′s based on wolfi25 tip! but it works LOCALLY, so your website it′s safe ?? I understand that your online site it′s up to date on wordpress version, so must be on 4.2.2
1) On your Remote Server Install DUPLICATOR PLUGIN-> https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/duplicator/
2) Make a backup of your entire site! ?? (we are going to play locally with it, so we can put Cforms running again and made a backup of yours templates)
3) On your PC at home (local) Install a Local version of your website with Duplicator (Install a server-WAMPSERVER for example- and RESTORE your website). Now we have a copy of your site localy, and with WP 4.2 as is the only version where the NEW Cforms version is working.
4) Make wolfi25 tip: OVERWRITE the WP4.2.2 installation with WP 4.1 or 4.0 vers. (OVERWRITE root-files, wp-admin, wp-includes – NOT the wp-content) – just overwrite everything.
5) TACHAN!!! We just downgraded the local version form WP 4.2 to WP 4.1 or WP 4.0 andddd….OLD Cforms IS RUNNING AGAIN!!!
6) Made a back up of ALL your forms within Cform backup&Restore option.
6.1) To be sure, you can delete your local installation and reinstall the Duplicator WP 4.2 backup copy. Install new CFORMSII plugin and upload the backed up templates to be sure they are working.
7) Now on your REMOTE SERVER you can turn off OLD CFORMs Plugin, download and Install NEW CFORMSII plug in and upload you recentely backed up templates.
All working perfectly!
P.S. Sorry for my bad english, as I′m spanish ??