Help creating a category archive (or child page archive)
On my website I need to create a page (or post) for each of my collaborators, that will have their photo and bio, etc. Then I’d like to create a template page that will automatically list these posts/pages (alphabetical ascending order by post/page title) with a thumbnail and link to the actual page.
I tried using a Page hierarchy like this:
Collaborators (parent)
— John doe (child)
— Jane doe (child)etc.
It works great to do this and then use wp_list_pages on my archive page to pull up the list of child pages.
<div class="archive"> <strong><?php _e("Collaborators"); ?>:</strong> <ul> <?php wp_list_pages('child_of=117&title_li='); ?> </ul> </div>
But I can’t find a way to include thumbnails or create excerpts.
So I’m thinking maybe it’s better to use normal posts for each collaborator, and assign all the collaborator posts to a specific category. Then create a category archive page that will list them all.
It sounds really complicated, but it’s actually not. I’ve Googled and tried many different things, and nothing has worked well at all. I’m totally frustrated now, need a hug, and hope someone can help me out with this before I go crazy.
Should I do this with posts or pages? And would anyone be willing to help me figure out the code?
Thanks ever so much in advance — if I get a good solution to this on my own I will post it here, as I’ve seen lots of other people with similar questions that haven’t been resolved.
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