• Just starting with Google analytics for WordPress. When attempting to activate I get this error message:
    Google Analytics is not active. You must select which Analytics Profile to track before it can work.

    But when I click the link to do this I repeatedly get an error message.
    First I click “click here to authenticate with Google” Then “Grant Access” Then I get:
    Unfortunately, an error occurred while connecting to Google, please try again:Re-authenticate with Google

    This continues every time I try.

    I see there is an option to manually enter UA code – but I’m such a newbie non-tech type that I can’t figure out where that UA code can be found.

    Any advice much appreciated!!

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  • Hello, this whole process was quite frustrating as i had to upload the plugin, set up google e-mail, register my website on google, check my host settings, read forum support and constantly click that authenticate button. After all the forum reading, i was able to gather all these suggestions until finally i thought “i give up! I’m just going to register for google analytics and copy/paste the code into the header” (search google to sign up for google analytics). And BAM!!! Before i could even get the code to paste, i went back to try the plugin again (it must be better using the plugin, right?) and that’s when it worked. There was a drop box with my webpage listed, i selected and saved the settings. This step should be added to the installation screen. Hope you have the same success with it!


    What did you do to ‘check your hosting settings.’ I am experiencing the same problem as Chariotsarah. Even when I eneter the UA code manually it does notthing on the Google Analytics side…just says that it is not tracking…quite confused by now ):

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