Help! Failed to connect to FTP Server localhost:21
Ha everyone!XD
OK so I installed wordpress on my Ubuntu 12.04.5 Server that I run from my house, but when I try and add a Theme/Plugin it prompts me with a window telling me I need to enter my
FTP Username:
FTP Password:
so I added
FTP Username:Bill
FTP password:bill7but when I try to proceed I get “Failed to connect to FTP Server localhost:21”
I tried the site URL as the hostname but still the same is some info of what I did to install the wordpress.
Youtube video on how I installed WordPress
I installed the wordpress while logged in to MY ubuntu acc not root.
I used the same username and password for everything.
I can’t login to the the server in FileZilla with FTP protocol only
SFTP-SSH.and in SFTP-SSH WordPress and its sub folders folders are owned by nobody/nogroup.
And the folders permissions range from:drwxr-xr-x:to:-rw-r–r–:
Could somebody please help me with this error I would be most grateful.
Tomritchmen XD
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