help fix breadcrum function for custom post types
Several months ago I posted asking for help fixing my breadcrum function to work with custom post types. I didn’t get the answers I was hoping for, but I believe I have found something that might help a more capable coder determine the answer for me.
Here is my breadcrumb code:
// Breadcrumbs function limelight_breadcrumbs() { $delimiter = ' » '; //text for the 'Home' link $name = __("Home", "limelight"); $currentBefore = ' <span class="current">'; $currentAfter = '</span> '; if (!is_home() && !is_front_page() && is_post_type('post') || is_paged()) { echo '<nav id="breadcrumbs">'; global $post; $home = get_bloginfo('url'); echo '<a href="' . $home . '">' . $name . '</a> ' . $delimiter . ''; if (is_category()) { global $wp_query; $cat_obj = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); $thisCat = $cat_obj->term_id; $thisCat = get_category($thisCat); $parentCat = get_category($thisCat->parent); if ($thisCat->parent != 0) { echo(get_category_parents($parentCat, true, '' . $delimiter . '')); } echo $currentBefore . single_cat_title() . $currentAfter; } else if (is_day()) { echo '<a href="' . get_year_link(get_the_time('Y')) . '">' . get_the_time('Y') . '</a> ' . $delimiter . ''; echo '<a href="' . get_month_link(get_the_time('Y'), get_the_time('m')) . '">' . get_the_time('F') . '</a> ' . $delimiter . ' '; echo $currentBefore . get_the_time('d') . $currentAfter; } else if (is_month()) { echo '<a href="' . get_year_link(get_the_time('Y')) . '">' . get_the_time('Y') . '</a> ' . $delimiter . ''; echo $currentBefore . get_the_time('F') . $currentAfter; } else if (is_year()) { echo $currentBefore . get_the_time('Y') . $currentAfter; } else if (is_attachment()) { echo $currentBefore; the_title(); $currentAfter; } if (is_single() && is_post_type('post')){ $cat = get_the_category(); $cat = $cat[0]; echo get_category_parents($cat, true, ' ' . $delimiter . ''); echo $currentBefore; the_title(); echo $currentAfter; } else if (is_page() && !$post->post_parent) { echo $currentBefore; the_title(); echo $currentAfter; } else if (is_page() && $post->post_parent) { $parent_id = $post->post_parent; $breadcrumbs = array(); while ($parent_id) { $page = get_page($parent_id); $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . get_permalink($page->ID) . '">' . get_the_title($page->ID) . '</a>'; $parent_id = $page->post_parent; } $breadcrumbs = array_reverse($breadcrumbs); foreach($breadcrumbs as $crumb) echo $crumb . ' ' . $delimiter . ' '; echo $currentBefore; the_title(); echo $currentAfter; } else if (is_search()) { echo $currentBefore . __('Search Results For:','limelight') . ' ' . get_search_query() . $currentAfter; } else if (is_tag()) { echo $currentBefore . single_tag_title() . $currentAfter; } else if (is_author()) { global $author; $userdata = get_userdata($author); echo $currentBefore . $userdata->display_name . $currentAfter; } else if (is_404()) { echo $currentBefore . '404 Not Found' . $currentAfter; } if (get_query_var('paged')) { if (is_home() || is_category() || is_day() || is_month() || is_year() || is_search() || is_tag() || is_author()) { echo $currentBefore; } echo __('Page','limelight') . ' ' . get_query_var('paged'); if (is_home() || is_category() || is_day() || is_month() || is_year() || is_search() || is_tag() || is_author()) { echo $currentAfter; } } echo '</nav>'; } }
And here is the breadcrumb code from woocommerce, which works flawlessly with custom post types. My problem is that I need a fucntion that works site wide, not just on shop pages, and works on sites that are not using woocommerce. Can someone help me integrate the custom post supporting functionality of the woocommerce breadcrumbs into my breadcrumb function? My attempt so far have failed.
<?php /** * Shop breadcrumb * * @author WooThemes * @package WooCommerce/Templates * @version 1.6.4 */ global $post, $wp_query; if( ! $home ) $home = _x( 'Home', 'breadcrumb', 'woocommerce' ); $home_link = home_url(); if ( get_option('woocommerce_prepend_shop_page_to_urls') == "yes" && woocommerce_get_page_id( 'shop' ) && get_option( 'page_on_front' ) !== woocommerce_get_page_id( 'shop' ) ) $prepend = $before . '<a href="' . get_permalink( woocommerce_get_page_id('shop') ) . '">' . get_the_title( woocommerce_get_page_id('shop') ) . '</a> ' . $after . $delimiter; else $prepend = ''; if ( ( ! is_home() && ! is_front_page() && ! ( is_post_type_archive() && get_option( 'page_on_front' ) == woocommerce_get_page_id( 'shop' ) ) ) || is_paged() ) { echo $wrap_before . $before . '<a class="home" href="' . $home_link . '">' . $home . '</a> ' . $after . $delimiter ; if ( is_category() ) { $cat_obj = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); $this_category = get_category( $cat_obj->term_id ); if ( $this_category->parent != 0 ) { $parent_category = get_category( $this_category->parent ); echo get_category_parents($parent_category, TRUE, $delimiter ); } echo $before . single_cat_title( '', false ) . $after; } elseif ( is_tax('product_cat') ) { echo $prepend; $term = get_term_by( 'slug', get_query_var( 'term' ), get_query_var( 'taxonomy' ) ); $parents = array(); $parent = $term->parent; while ( $parent ) { $parents[] = $parent; $new_parent = get_term_by( 'id', $parent, get_query_var( 'taxonomy' ) ); $parent = $new_parent->parent; } if ( ! empty( $parents ) ) { $parents = array_reverse( $parents ); foreach ( $parents as $parent ) { $item = get_term_by( 'id', $parent, get_query_var( 'taxonomy' )); echo $before . '<a href="' . get_term_link( $item->slug, 'product_cat' ) . '">' . $item->name . '</a>' . $after . $delimiter; } } $queried_object = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); echo $before . $queried_object->name . $after; } elseif ( is_tax('product_tag') ) { $queried_object = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); echo $prepend . $before . __('Products tagged “', 'woocommerce') . $queried_object->name . '”' . $after; } elseif ( is_day() ) { echo $before . '<a href="' . get_year_link(get_the_time('Y')) . '">' . get_the_time('Y') . '</a>' . $after . $delimiter; echo $before . '<a href="' . get_month_link(get_the_time('Y'),get_the_time('m')) . '">' . get_the_time('F') . '</a>' . $after . $delimiter; echo $before . get_the_time('d') . $after; } elseif ( is_month() ) { echo $before . '<a href="' . get_year_link(get_the_time('Y')) . '">' . get_the_time('Y') . '</a>' . $after . $delimiter; echo $before . get_the_time('F') . $after; } elseif ( is_year() ) { echo $before . get_the_time('Y') . $after; } elseif ( is_post_type_archive('product') && get_option('page_on_front') !== woocommerce_get_page_id('shop') ) { $_name = woocommerce_get_page_id( 'shop' ) ? get_the_title( woocommerce_get_page_id( 'shop' ) ) : ucwords( get_option( 'woocommerce_shop_slug' ) ); if ( is_search() ) { echo $before . '<a href="' . get_post_type_archive_link('product') . '">' . $_name . '</a>' . $delimiter . __('Search results for “', 'woocommerce') . get_search_query() . '”' . $after; } elseif ( is_paged() ) { echo $before . '<a href="' . get_post_type_archive_link('product') . '">' . $_name . '</a>' . $after; } else { echo $before . $_name . $after; } } elseif ( is_single() && !is_attachment() ) { if ( get_post_type() == 'product' ) { echo $prepend; if ( $terms = wp_get_object_terms( $post->ID, 'product_cat' ) ) { $term = current( $terms ); $parents = array(); $parent = $term->parent; while ( $parent ) { $parents[] = $parent; $new_parent = get_term_by( 'id', $parent, 'product_cat' ); $parent = $new_parent->parent; } if ( ! empty( $parents ) ) { $parents = array_reverse($parents); foreach ( $parents as $parent ) { $item = get_term_by( 'id', $parent, 'product_cat'); echo $before . '<a href="' . get_term_link( $item->slug, 'product_cat' ) . '">' . $item->name . '</a>' . $after . $delimiter; } } echo $before . '<a href="' . get_term_link( $term->slug, 'product_cat' ) . '">' . $term->name . '</a>' . $after . $delimiter; } echo $before . get_the_title() . $after; } elseif ( get_post_type() != 'post' ) { $post_type = get_post_type_object( get_post_type() ); $slug = $post_type->rewrite; echo $before . '<a href="' . get_post_type_archive_link( get_post_type() ) . '">' . $post_type->labels->singular_name . '</a>' . $after . $delimiter; echo $before . get_the_title() . $after; } else { $cat = current( get_the_category() ); echo get_category_parents( $cat, true, $delimiter ); echo $before . get_the_title() . $after; } } elseif ( is_404() ) { echo $before . __( 'Error 404', 'woocommerce' ) . $after; } elseif ( ! is_single() && ! is_page() && get_post_type() != 'post' ) { $post_type = get_post_type_object( get_post_type() ); if ( $post_type ) echo $before . $post_type->labels->singular_name . $after; } elseif ( is_attachment() ) { $parent = get_post( $post->post_parent ); $cat = get_the_category( $parent->ID ); $cat = $cat[0]; echo get_category_parents( $cat, true, '' . $delimiter ); echo $before . '<a href="' . get_permalink( $parent ) . '">' . $parent->post_title . '</a>' . $after . $delimiter; echo $before . get_the_title() . $after; } elseif ( is_page() && !$post->post_parent ) { echo $before . get_the_title() . $after; } elseif ( is_page() && $post->post_parent ) { $parent_id = $post->post_parent; $breadcrumbs = array(); while ( $parent_id ) { $page = get_page( $parent_id ); $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . get_permalink($page->ID) . '">' . get_the_title( $page->ID ) . '</a>'; $parent_id = $page->post_parent; } $breadcrumbs = array_reverse( $breadcrumbs ); foreach ( $breadcrumbs as $crumb ) echo $crumb . '' . $delimiter; echo $before . get_the_title() . $after; } elseif ( is_search() ) { echo $before . __( 'Search results for “', 'woocommerce' ) . get_search_query() . '”' . $after; } elseif ( is_tag() ) { echo $before . __( 'Posts tagged “', 'woocommerce' ) . single_tag_title('', false) . '”' . $after; } elseif ( is_author() ) { $userdata = get_userdata($author); echo $before . __( 'Author:', 'woocommerce' ) . ' ' . $userdata->display_name . $after; } if ( get_query_var( 'paged' ) ) echo ' (' . __( 'Page', 'woocommerce' ) . ' ' . get_query_var( 'paged' ) . ')'; echo $wrap_after; }
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