• I am new to WordPress and HTTP code but have volunteered to maintain our web site.
    For the past month or so, after reading the how to’s in the Directory I have been unable to find a way to keep my images and text where I want them when I post.
    The forums provide better instructions than the how to directory, but only if you know code.
    The WordPress creators have built a wonderful program for experienced web builders.
    If you could direct me to WYSIWYG help that would provide step by step instructions for posting images and text that stay in place, it would be greatly appreciated.
    A font button on the toolbar would also be nice.

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  • What do you mean, posting images that stay into place. What exactly is the problem?

    Thread Starter EJF


    I have tried posting thumbnail photos on our site oleanairport.org.
    They remain 4 across in the spot after I save them, but after logging out and viewing the site, they are rearranged.
    If you check the lower photos under old and new, you will see what I mean.
    I am sure the problem could be corrected with code, but since I am just learning, I would like to be able to use visual.
    Is this possible?

    Thread Starter EJF


    Since I have not received a reply, I can only assume that WordPress is designed for the experienced HTTP code users and therefore the answer is NO.
    Your HELP section is so fragmented, I can not find the answer there, so I will learn the code and teach myself.
    Thanks anyway for the open source program.

    Hi, EJF!

    They remain 4 across in the spot after I save them, but after logging out and viewing the site, they are rearranged.

    Sometimes the answer is as simple as just turning off the WYSIWYG editor, and getting used to using the tags and attributes that make things look the way you really want them too. You can still upload the images to the “code” box, and WordPress will gladly comply.

    Often simply adding an align=”right”, or align=”left” to your images can really make a significant difference in the appearance of your post. A simple space between images can also make an improvement if posted in line. You may also be limited to the actual size of your post area. You can’t physically force four in-line 75px images into a space that is only 275px wide. (I know that’s a poor example, but it’s just to overstate the obvious). There are also alignment “classes” that can be pre-built into a particular theme using the Style Sheet. The author of the theme will usually disclose this information in his/her description of the theme (sometimes). ??

    A couple of inexpensive beginners books on basic (X)HTML as well as css, or Cascading Style Sheets, will really be an asset to you. Once you start to do a little reading, things will begin to click.

    I have to say that I personally find the site very visually appealing. It looks like it would be fun to work on.(I hope I have the right URI)!


    Best of luck to you.

    P.S. Give yourself some time to start connecting a few dots. WordPress is pretty easy to get a handle on. Like everything, there are compromises, you just have keep learning and trying until you find what works for you.


    Thread Starter EJF


    Thanks Clayton for your encouraging remarks.
    I have started a 6 week course on HTTP which is written in simple layman terms.
    Your comments are very helpful for a beginner like me.
    That is the correct web site and was designed by Live Oak Studios, a local Company.
    When I volunteered to be Web Editor for my group, I was told that knowledge of HTTP was not required.
    Now that I know better, I will slow down and study.
    Thanks again for the Help with Help.

    How can I list alphabetical blogs ? (For WPMU)
    thank you

    Thread Starter EJF


    This is a follow-up to my original posting a few weeks ago.
    Today I discovered that the problem posting could be with my version of Windows and not WP 2.5.
    Imagine that!
    I am running Windows 98SE on my computer which does not seem to be compatible with WP 2.5.
    When I use my wife’s computer with Windows XP, I have no trouble posting.
    This may be old news to some, but it is a revelation to me and I wish I had known about this earlier.
    Hope this will save others a lot of frustration.

    98! yikes. Most likely it’s running IE5 which is by no means a modern browser that follows any of today’s web standards.

    90-what? is that like an Atari or ColecoVision or something? (hee…hee…hee.. sorry ’bout that. Just yankin’ your chain a little). I admire your tenacity. Oddly enough, I recently discovered that our IT Dept still had a 98SE OS in service as a basic file server because of its ability to simple-password protect a share. It’s gone now too. Happy upgrading!

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