• Resolved WebgroundMedia


    Hello everybody!

    Is there any solution for setting up an equation for a bow speed calculator?
    How can i set up theese adjustments?

    For every inch of draw length under 30″, subtract 10 fps, every inch over 30″ add 10 fps.

    For every 3 grains of total arrow weight above 5 grains per pound of draw weight, subtract 1 fps.

    For every 3 grains of weight on the bow string, subtract 1 fps.”

    Thanks you!


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  • Thread Starter WebgroundMedia


    All right, i started to figure it out, but i’m stucked…The fist adjustment is OK… (i think ?? but how to connect it to the others?
    if( fieldname2 >= 33 && fieldname2 <=33.999) return fieldname1+30;
    if( fieldname2 >= 32 && fieldname2 <=32.999) return fieldname1+20;
    if( fieldname2 >= 31 && fieldname2 <=31.999) return fieldname1+10;
    if( fieldname2 >= 30 && fieldname2 <=30.999) return fieldname1;
    if( fieldname2 >= 29 && fieldname2 <=29.999) return fieldname1-10;
    if( fieldname2 >= 28 && fieldname2 <=28.999) return fieldname1-20;
    if( fieldname2 >= 27 && fieldname2 <=27.999) return fieldname1-30;
    if( fieldname2 >= 26 && fieldname2 <=26.999) return fieldname1-40;
    if( fieldname2 >= 25 && fieldname2 <=25.999) return fieldname1-50;
    if( fieldname2 >= 24 && fieldname2 <=24.999) return fieldname1-60;
    if( fieldname2 >= 23 && fieldname2 <=23.999) return fieldname1-70;
    if( fieldname2 >= 22 && fieldname2 <=22.999) return fieldname1-80;
    if( fieldname2 >= 21 && fieldname2 <=21.999) return fieldname1-90;
    if( fieldname2 >= 20 && fieldname2 <=20.999) return fieldname1-100;
    else return ‘N/A’;

    Plugin Author codepeople



    The equation is simple, is only mathematics. In the problem description I’ll assume:

    fieldname1: has an initial value that would be modified in function to the other conditions.
    fieldname2: draw length.
    fieldname3: arrow weight (in grains).
    fieldname4: draw weight (in pounds)
    fieldname5: bow string weight (in grains).

    The equation would be:

    var result = 0,
    f1 = fieldname1,
    f2 = fieldname2,
    f3 = fieldname3,
    f4 = fieldname4,
    f5 = fieldname5;

    if(20<=f2 && f2 < 34 )
    result = f1 + (FLOOR(f2)-30)*10;
    result = result – MAX( 0, CEIL((f3-f4*5)/3))
    result = result – CEIL(fieldname5/3)
    result = ‘N/A’;
    return result;

    The support service does not includes the implementation of custom equations. If you need additional help with your project, don’t hesitate in contact us through our private page:


    Best regards.

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