Which of these plugins should I remove or disable so that it can work with your plugin, without conflicts
If you decide to use Asset CleanUp (the Pro version), you only need WP Fastest Cache for page caching which works very well for most of the users. Otherwise, you can use all those 3 and Asset CleanUp to unload useless CSS/JS from various pages. This way, the generated CSS/JS from Autoptimize will be in the end smaller. Remember to not mix features to save resources and if you decide to minify/combine CSS with Autoptimize, don’t also enable the same features with WP Fastest Cache.
With Autoptimize + Wp Fasted Cache and Async JavaScript, it doesn’t break my site, but I am less rated and slower.
Based on my experience, the reason this happens is that neither of those plugins is allowing you to manage CSS/JS individually with features such as unloading, preloading, deferring, etc. For example, if you’re not careful and unload by mistake a JS file that might be needed to be left loaded, then you might get errors. That’s why you have to check the console to make sure that after each change (that’s recommended for users with less experience, non-developers, etc.), no errors are showing up (please check this post, where this is explained as the first thing to do once you’re done with setting up Asset CleanUp: https://assetcleanup.com/docs/after-website-optimisation-plugin-usage-tips/)
Do you have a good tutorial that explains how to use your plugin with other plugins and not die trying??
There are video tutorials that you can access when you go to “Getting Started” -> “Video tutorials” (plugin’s sidebar menu), but they are not tailer to specific plugins such as WP Rocket or WP Fastest Cache. I guess you want a tutorial that will show you step by step how to set up Asset CleanUp with another optimization plugin. This is not yet available, but there will be posts added to the documentation on how to avoid mixing features with other plugins. Each website is different and there’s no universal plan that you can follow to configure Asset CleanUp with other plugins as there could be various configurations: one setup could work excellent for one website, while it could be detrimental for another website which needs a different configuration.
I’ve been making nonsense combinations for several days, reading here, there, watching tutorials, but I can’t solve the problems.
In this case, I strongly suggest a developer that could determine which CSS/JS files are needed or not and what things (e.g. AJAX calls) are using the most resources on your website.
You can start with easier solutions out there such as WP Rocket that has great support in case you get stuck. WP Fastest Cache is also good, which is free, as it has page caching.
In case you want to find out more about Asset CleanUp’s features, please check the documentation here: https://assetcleanup.com/docs/
I hope you’ll find the right combination that will work for your website. I know, Asset CleanUp is not as easy to use, but you don’t have to for now. Try with something easier, then once you understand which CSS/JS is not needed, you can give Asset CleanUp a try in “Test Mode” to make sure nothing will get broken for your visitors ??