• Yes, I know I know wordpress is a blog


    My site isn’t functioning as a blog right now.


    Let me explain my site.

    I have a static home. I have created pages which link to various areas of the site – About us, prices, opening hours etc. I even have a shop.

    I don’t have a link to a blog section.

    My pages all have separate categories.

    For example. A page may be about a new kitchen table and would look like this: hxxp://www.awesomekitchentables.com/kitchen/sexy-kitchen-table-2017

    I sometimes write POSTS. These tend to be about one off things or events that are happening. These would look something like this: hxxp://www.awesomekitchens.com/summer-spectacular-75%off-all

    I would like to put these posts withing a blog section. How do I do that?

    Now before someone says go to settings > Reading and set the front page their I can’t.
    My theme has a custom front page with some editable sections.

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  • Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    Create a new blank page called “Blog”. Then, go to setttings->reading and set the posts page to ‘Blog”. Now, example.com/blog is your blog page.

    Thread Starter kma9090


    If you look at the bottom of the question I said that with my theme that’s not possible because the “front” page isn’t a generated page by me.
    I am using the kindergerten theme if it makes it easier https://www.ads-software.com/themes/kindergarten/

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    Don’t make it the front page. Select it as the posts page, then use the slug “blog” to access it. You can add it to your menu from appearances->menus.

    Thread Starter kma9090


    If I select “A static page (select below)”

    I leave Front Page Blank but use Blog for Posts Page. My home page is changed and now displays posts..

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    So with what I understood. You have a static front page, which you doesn’t like to modify and you need a page that will display the latest articles like offers and discounts.

    B4 u try this method make sure u disable the abv mentioned steps. It may cause errors.

    * Add an another page namely blog/latest article/events/disc….
    * Add a category named latest/blog.
    * Use a plugin to bring together same category post to one page.And use that plugin shortcode in this page.(I use this my site: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/thumbnail-grid/)There are other plugins like post in page(https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/posts-in-page/)
    * When writing new posts(offers or similar) add the post to the category abv created.

    I hope you have a main menu in the static front page.You may add this page to the menu for easy navigation

    I hope it helps.

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