Help me make my wordpress site into a blog
Yes, I know I know wordpress is a blog
My site isn’t functioning as a blog right now.
Let me explain my site.
I have a static home. I have created pages which link to various areas of the site – About us, prices, opening hours etc. I even have a shop.
I don’t have a link to a blog section.
My pages all have separate categories.
For example. A page may be about a new kitchen table and would look like this: hxxp://
I sometimes write POSTS. These tend to be about one off things or events that are happening. These would look something like this: hxxp://
I would like to put these posts withing a blog section. How do I do that?
Now before someone says go to settings > Reading and set the front page their I can’t.
My theme has a custom front page with some editable sections.
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