• Hi everyone, I am hoping for a few suggestions for my site since it has really grown in traffic. Here it is https://gwmac.com/

    I am currently using a theme called Customizr which I actually love. It is a great theme with frequent updates and good support. The only complaint I have is I want to be able to display a lot more content in a tighter space. Maybe it is possible to do that with Customizr but I am not sure how other than simply expanding the number of articles on the front page. I suppose the best example for the style I am looking for is here.

    https://www.ajc.com Scroll down a bit until you see the section called MORE FROM AJC.COM towards the bottom

    I like the way they have a grid pattern of 3 articles with just the title, photo, and also the category name. I have not been able to find a theme like that. I suppose the type of theme I am looking for is usually called responsive magazine. I want to be able to offer a choice of maybe 30 or so articles without the need of scrolling too much. I want to offer more content choice for my readers on the front page.

    Could someone take a look at my site and offer a few ideas for themes that would allow me to offer more content choice in a tighter area on my front page. So far I found this one which I think might be able to offer what I am after but want to have a few other choices and hear some other ideas. World Wide Theme I have heard many people talk about the Genesis framework so I am not sure if that might also be a way to go or even compatible with World Wide Theme above.

    Any advice greatly appreciated. I am showing excerpts now but can remove excerpts to get more content in a grid or other pattern. I am not great when it comes to organizing content but I want something clean and a very simple GUI for visitors if that makes sense.

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  • Alan,

    I just stumbled on this while reading a comment you left on a “facebook” plugin. It wasn’t created by facebook as you commented. Actually how I found this is that plugin was created by automattic. That is neither here nor there.

    I am commenting because your theme certainly can acquire the look you seek. They are portraying their “more” section in 3 columns. Your’s are all stacked on one. Some simple css modifications to your child theme style.css file will do the trick. This way you don’t have to learn a new theme. Customizr has a lot to offer, also written by a great WordPress guru. If you like, I could line them up 6 wide on bigger screens! Hit me up if you are interested. [redacted] –also on customizr!–

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