• Hello!
    I have started quite a few blogs on wordpress and now this one is latest Blogging Game, Actually I came accross a Tool Today which is an analyzing tool and I analyzed my site and it is showing some errors which I am unable to understand, Can Somebody help me in this case?
    The name of tool is woo rank and it is giving some errors like: “Missing Dublin core”, Also have a Look at this screenshot < https://prntscr.com/1iu1wl > and This thing https://prntscr.com/1iu25p
    Thanks in Advance

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  • Those are basic SEO and page validation “errors”. In saying that, they aren’t really errors, just best-practice suggestions to help with your SEO – which is why you’ve got that tool installed in the first place, isnt’ it? These messages are pretty clear in what they are telling you to do

    The first “error”… Add content to the page. That’s all that it’s telling you to do.

    The second “error” is more like a real error, but still won’t hurt much in real life. It’s telling you that the pages HTML parmkup is not correct, and gives you the link to the W3C validator to check it. Run your site through the validator and make the changes that it tells you to.

    It really is that easy. ??

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