• runner5


    Hi guys,

    I would like to add a Menu-style link on my Footer (widget) on one website, and these links come from another website.

    I guess the only way is to manually put the html codes into a Text Widget.

    Could someone please help me do a sample html code for that? For the Text widget, to display Links (with title) – Menu-style – and then when users click on theses titles, a new window opens leading to those external pages.
    Thanks in advance for help ??

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  • vtxyzzy


    Your HTML should look something like this:

          <a href="https://kidcanvas.me" title="Kid Canvas" target="_blank" >Kid Canvas</a>
          <a href="https://billydavisgroup.com" title="Billy Davis Group" target="_blank">Billy Davis</a>


    You can do this without HTML coding.

    ->Go to menus under appearance.
    ->Click on create new menu
    ->Give this menu a name
    ->On the left side click on links
    ->Fill the URL and the link text
    -> URL : https://www.google.com
    -> link text : Google
    ->Click on add to menu

    After adding all the links go to widgets under appearance
    ->Drag the widget called custom menu to the footer widget area
    ->In the added, click on the dropdown next to select menu and choose the created menu

    Best of luck.
    Reply back for more help

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