• I have this site web wwww.saluteallaguida.altervista.org. Visit “prenota visita on line” and you can see written as :
    “Our schedule for agosto 2015
    Click a free day to apply for an appointment.”
    how can I remove them?
    Also I need the button to select the next months that shortcode should I use? I would also translate the plugin in Italian. Can you tell me what file I have to change?

    Thank you


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  • Plugin Author Bojan Radonic – WPMU DEV Support


    Hey there alessandro1987,

    Hope you’re well today ??

    Both of those lines are translatable so you should be able to change the text by using plugin translation files.

    There are also already made Italian translation files for the premium version of the plugin that you should be able to use, you can download theme here https://premium.wpmudev.org/translate/projects/appointments/it/default.

    Simply place appointments-it_IT .po and .mo files to the /wp-content/languages folder and make sure to select the same language in Settings -> General in your admin.

    As for adding another month in addition to the one you have please try adding the following to your appointments page shortcodes:

    [app_monthly_schedule add="1"]

    This will add two calendars on your appointment page, one with current month and one with next month, see screenshot https://screencast.com/t/KAMlCAY22m7.

    This is how it is supposed to look in your page content: https://screencast.com/t/xhyd9Jqf.

    Hope this helps ??

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter alessandro1987


    thanky you.

    I have place appointments-it_IT.po and .mo files to the /wp-content/languages folder but not work. ??

    I select italian language in settings -> General

    i need to delete this word on my page

    ” Our schedule for agosto 2015
    Click a free day to apply for an appointment.”

    I use this shortcode :



    [app_pagination … month=”1″]

    you can see it :

    Plugin Author Bojan Radonic – WPMU DEV Support


    Hey again alessandro1987,

    Can you also try to place both .po and .mo files in the plugin language folder to see if that will change anything? It is located in /wp-content/plugins/appointments/languages.

    As for the shortcode please try using the following as displayed in my screenshot:

    [app_services]	 [app_service_providers]
    [app_monthly_schedule add="1"]
    [app_pagination month="1"]

    If you still want to remove those two lines regardless of the language files and translation of them please try adding the following to plugin custom CSS tab which is located in Appointments -> Settings -> General -> Display Settings -> Additional css Rules

    .appointments-instructions, .appointments-wrapper h3 {
        display: none;

    This will remove those two lines from your booking page.

    Hope this helps ??


    Thread Starter alessandro1987


    now i remove two lines, but now have only file appointmenments-it_IT.po and plugin is only english.I downloaded the file from the manufacturer after buying the plugin but still everything is in English . I put the file where I have indicated

    Plugin Author Bojan Radonic – WPMU DEV Support


    Hey again alessandro1987,

    You need to have both .po and .mo files added in the folder I mentioned above.

    So lets try doing the following:

    1. Download the file from the link I posted above.
    2. Only appointments-it_IT.po will be downloaded
    3. Open the file using Poedit, download the program if you don’t have it
    4. Open appointments-it_IT.po with Poedit
    5. Click save
    6. You’ll have two files now appointments-it_IT.po and appointments-it_IT.mo
    7. Copy those files in the folders above

    See video https://screencast.com/t/ztQ0owlbSMT.

    Hope this helps ??


    Thread Starter alessandro1987


    Perfect now work.

    Last question:

    i need change “USD” TO “EUR”(or €)

    can you help me?:)

    Plugin Author Bojan Radonic – WPMU DEV Support


    Hey alessandro1987,

    Sure thing!

    You should be able to change that in Appointments -> Settings -> General -> Payments Settings -> Paypal Currency, see screenshot: https://screencast.com/t/tWhz2fSUPx8y.

    Even if you don’t use have required payments via PayPal once you change those settings and click save different currency will be displayed on the front end.

    Hope this helps ??


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