• I realize this sounds ludicrous, but I cannot locate my wordpress site I designed last week – dev.kellycleveland.com. I was in the process of changing dev.kellycleveland.com to https://www.kellycleveland.com, and now cannot find any way to access to my wp-admin site. WP won’t even accept any of the email/passwords I enter on the admin-login page.

    On Friday I went into the WP “Settings” page and changed the dev.kellycleveland.com to kellycleveland.com, which may have caused the problem.

    I tried accessing my admin site at https://dev.kellycleveland.com/wp-login.php but received the following error message…

    You don’t have permission to access /kellycleveland/wp-login.php. on this server.
    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    Any suggestions on how to access my admin site?
    I understand just enough to make me dangerous with this, so please remember I am not a developer,just a designer.

    Thanks so much!!! I just want to get this thing live. ??


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  • On Friday I went into the WP “Settings” page and changed the dev.kellycleveland.com to kellycleveland.com, which may have caused the problem.

    Almost certainly this did cause your problem.

    For the moment you are locked out of WordPress, so you have to access your site files using either your web host management file manager, or FTP.

    Temporarily put these lines into your “wp-config.php” file:


    NOW you can access your website, login, correct the settings in Dashboard > Settings > General
    Then remove the two temporary lines from wp-config.php

    Then follow these instructions on how to move your website:
    (a change of domain name is a move from WordPress point of view.)

    Your site wasn’t on WP.com, was it? If so, the good people over there are great at fixing these issues for you.

    I used a website: https://www.whoishostingthis.com/
    to establish he was with GoDaddy
    The site now seems to be up and running.

    Maybe the thread can be marked as resolved.

    @sunrader: it’s not possible to make dashboard URL settings changes like @incognitodesign did while at .com.

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