• for some reason when i make updates to my site, my post includes pictures, text, and links, why is it that somtimes when i create a new post when i view my site the layout gets all messed up. everything in my sidebar is moved to the bottom of the page. everything is not aligned anymore. then when i delete my post everything goes back to normal. can anyone help me?

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  • dare i suggest that you actually search? afterall there are only 10000 similar threads.

    since im not a total bitch, try this one:

    Thread Starter deb0


    dang 10,000 threads thats alot. wow

    Provide a link to your blog, show us what post is causing the problem. Without this information you honestly don’t expect to get any real answers, do you?


    he was given a real answer already.

    Im not alone when I say that im tired of seeing the same old “my sidebar is pushed down, help me before my blog explodes” posts.

    The search works now, kids, how bout using it.


    Here, here whooami!

    Nevermind the fact that people not only don’t search, but they post “HELP!!!” rather than giving us specifics of the problem/site/etc.

    Of course, this won’t help the next person who doesn’t search – they won’t see this either. lol

    Very good point, so I edited the title to help out the next person who tries the search function….

    V – could you change sidbar to sidebar in the title (and then delete my post here!)

    Thanks, yup – typos’ll get you every time…. but no need to delete yours.

    Well, we wouldn’t want to actually be nice in our response, now would we. After all, we don’t want to encourage people to seek help from this community, do we? What would the world think if, when someone came to this forum for help, they actually got help from nice people.

    I don’t know what’s worse, people asking for help on topics that have been well covered, or the snippy, snide remarks from people who are “tired of hearing the same questions.” You realize that you pretty much used the same amount of energy being rude and mean as you would have if you had simply answered the question?

    Debo – I’ve had the same problem. I would search the links that have been posted here, but also look at the post in question. I’ve noticed that sometimes, if WordPress sticks multiple <div> tags in the post, that problem can crop up. Delete the <div> tags in your HTML source for the post, and see if that helps out.

    See how easy that was, guys?


    WordPress inserts <div> tags into posts?

    I’ve never seen any post or page, in any of the 7 sites I currently run with wordpress, <div> tags.

    And as far as “being nice” – it would “be nice” if people read the forum rules and suggestions prior to posting. That goes for any site they encounter. It’s not a matter of not wanting to give the information for fear of “losing energy” – it’s the fact that it’s already been stated, multiple times, and it would’ve saved the original poster of the thread “energy” if they had just done a simple search.

    No need to get high and mighty schadeboy… you weren’t the first person to post a solution here. Just so happens I see that whooami posted several links to the information needed by the requestor.


    Nice of you to register just to provide your insight.

    For clarification purposes, my reply wasnt just to him, it was, in fact, to EVERYONE that posts that same damn problem. For the record, the search has been broke here for some time, and it was somewhat understandable that these things would come up again and again.

    Guess what? The search isnt broken anymore, and consequently, the bottle-feeding that has taken place here for what seems like months doesnt really need to take place anymore, in my opinion.

    Frankly, if you want a web site, and you want to run a piece of software on said web site — you ought to be prepared to help yourself a little. Or is that too much to excpect of people these days??

    Theres an old quote, doesnt it include the lines, give a man a fish and teach a man to fish..

    PS: you have 44 validation errors on your site. Just being “helpful”, did you need to me to repaste the link to the W3C validator for the 30th time, or will you be ok finding it yourself?

    You’re right, Whooami, you’re right. People constantly ask questions that have been asked before, and it gets tiring, and obviously the only way to deal with it is to give rude, sarcastic comments and be done with it instead of pointing them nicely in the correct path for the help they seek.

    I don’t think that there was any possible way for you to say something like, “here’s a thread you might be interested in reading, Deb0.” The only way to make sure Deb0 never asks another question is to be bitchy.

    I’m suddenly very glad that my instructors in college never took this approach.

    Oh, and Whooami – I’m not sure exactly what your comment about validation errors has to do with the topic at hand, but I think you for bringing them to my attention.

    ladydelaluna – I have had problems with the WordPress editor inserting <div> tags within my posts in the past, and I get the exact problem that’s been described here. I’m sure that because you have never received such tags, that is just cause for saying it never happens, and therefore I am obviously delusional.

    tsk tsk schadeboy – not only do you register to chastise the way people respond to someone, but now you put words and thoughts on other people? did i SAY you are obviously delusional? i simply said: “I’ve never seen any post or page, in any of the 7 sites I currently run with wordpress, <div> tags.”

    Therefore, in my opinion and through my experience, wordpress does not insert <div> tags, and perhaps it’s YOUR method of posting (copy and pasting from elsewhere, say another site or a word processor/document perhaps?) that might be causing that to happen. However the fact remains that wordpress itself does not add <div> tags. I’m quite sure that if it did, the issue would’ve been resolved in the ongoing development of the software, probably long ago, in fact. Time to take a little internal peek at yourself, dear. It might just be YOU who’s wrong.

    It’s quite unfair of YOU to assume that everyone uses wordpress the way YOU do, and provide your “solutions” based solely on the way YOU misuse the software.

    Regardless of the “tone” of whooami’s posts – she was never NOT helpful. She still gave links to where the problem had been solved before. Unlike yourself, who decided that you wanted to be a martyr today, and offer up random “just me” type of resolutions amidst your attacks on the rest of us. Good goin’ preacher boy.

    not only do you register to chastise the way people respond to someone…

    Actually, ladydelaluna, I have been registered for a while. I had to do a new registration today because for some reason, WordPress decided not to remember me. I was unable to log in with my old credentials, so I had to create new ones.

    And it is not my habit to make comments that insight descent or cause strife. I am usually very mellow and avoid conflict. In this case, though, I felt I had to say something. Being a new user to WordPress myself, I found it very rude and condescending for Whooami to respond the way she did. It was uncalled for.

    Therefore, in my opinion and through my experience, wordpress does not insert <div> tags, and perhaps it’s YOUR method of posting (copy and pasting from elsewhere, say another site or a word processor/document perhaps?) that might be causing that to happen. However the fact remains that wordpress itself does not add <div> tags. I’m quite sure that if it did, the issue would’ve been resolved in the ongoing development of the software, probably long ago, in fact. Time to take a little internal peek at yourself, dear. It might just be YOU who’s wrong.

    My method of posting is by typing directly into the WordPress editor. I use the very tools WordPress gives me to add content, including posting images using the upload feature. I have not used any other method, and when I go into the HTML editor for WordPress, I have seen the <div> tags. It usually doesn’t happen, but I’ve seen it periodically in the very short time I’ve used WordPress.

    It’s quite unfair of YOU to assume that everyone uses wordpress the way YOU do, and provide your “solutions” based solely on the way YOU misuse the software.

    Now who’s putting words in who’s mouth, huh? First of all, I don’t misuses the software. Second, I never assumed anything. I merely offered a suggestion based on my own experience. As I stated above, I am not doing anything out of the ordinary with WordPress. I’m using the very tools it provided with no modifications. I’m not sure exactly how you came to presume that I am misusing the software unless, of course, you “assumed” that’s what I’m doing.

    Regardless of the “tone” of whooami’s posts – she was never NOT helpful. She still gave links to where the problem had been solved before. Unlike yourself, who decided that you wanted to be a martyr today, and offer up random “just me” type of resolutions amidst your attacks on the rest of us. Good goin’ preacher boy.

    I never suggested she wasn’t. I never denied that she didn’t post links to help Deb0 find her way around. I think tone is extremely important when providing help. If I go to someone asking for assistance, and the tone they respond with is condescending, rude, and in some cases insulting, giving me every indication that I’m a bother just by asking, then what incentive do I have to seek help again? Certainly not from the person who I just asked.

    My tone wasn’t any better, I know. For that I apologize. And I’m certainly not about to tell you or anyone else how to feel. I’m just saying that there’s two ways to tell someone something. You can be condescending and rude, or you can be nice and easy to deal with. It’s possible to say “Go look it up” either way. That’s the only point I was trying to make with this whole thing.

    Deb0, I apologize for turning this into a slamfest. It was not my intent. If I could rescind my comments, I would.

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