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  • Theme Author MotionBlocks


    Can you send me link to your page?

    Thread Starter tweed


    wOw – hello MotionBlocks!!!

    I put the following up at the top here, though I wrote it at the very bottom at first.

    I looked at again tonight: — this is my attempt at describing it ~>

    1) Desktop Mode: non-sticky transparent header-navigation with the big full-width purple gradient image/color as background which is under the navigation block too! SUPERBNESS!

    2) Tablet and Phone Landscape Mode: same as Desktop mode UNTIL scrolling. Scrolling down turns navigation block sticky and black. AWESOMENESS!

    3) In phone portrait mode the hamburger menu appears far left, and scrolling down a bit turns it black and sticky. Same cool transparent navigation with gradient underneath, UNTIL scrolling down a bit. WWWWOW!

    ALL, as you know!-)))


    just thinking that…
    I bet a whole lot of people look at and think, geez, if I could even figure out how to get the basic functionality of that!

    When i started with Blockpress i didn’t understand anything about block themes and was puzzled on most all of your tutorials discussing “posts”.
    I understand more now – Query Layouts super-interesting.

    Do you think it would be a great FireStarter to show people how to customize their “Front Page” with the BASIC functionality noted above at 1) 2) 3)

    I’m cringing a bit to say it like that – though, yep, I’m sure I’m not the only one keen to drop “Classic” themes, and go all in on FullSiteEditing… and maybe a “BASIC” tutorial on how to rock “The look” like on the TOP ONLY section of the frontpage on would spark a lot of people.

    FRONTPAGE is where new users get the feel-good vibe initially I think.
    That (transparent) navigation and the cover section gradient under it, and then the sticky/not-sticky logic for the desktop/mobile views IS IT !!!

    ADDITIONAL LATE-NITE RAMBLE: (nearly 3 a.m. here-)
    I’d like to contact the handful of sites that list the top FSE Blocks-only themes to draw their attention to BLOCKPRESS. seems weird to see the others mentioned. BlockPress is getting a lot of changes. Thanks for 1.1.2 today!
    I’d ask you if that’s ok first, and probably after dec.31st best-)
    You may likely already have that all in the work so just a thought.
    and, you have ideas when’s best and all.
    Or, I’ve missed something entirely never surprises me!
    Just me thinking out loud here. heh-heh.


    —- I can imagine how enjoyably busy you stay so the following is optional or quite scan-read stuff —-

    Right, so, got your kind messages mid-day and now, just before sleep (2 a.m.) I’m able to write back! heh-heh

    NOTE: i now understand that editing support comments here isn’t possible, or isn’t for very long,, so in the future I’ll be looking to be more readable. I was just pretty thrilled to be getting somewhere after discovering BlockPress in my first writes.

    ALSO: I’ve been through pretty much all the FSEditing blocks-only themes,, and it’s bizarre that the several “best block themes” websites don’t ALL have BlockPress on there. I’d love to wave some magic and see BlockPress on all of them. With respect to all the other Dev-Authors… there’s really no comparison to BlockPress.

    AND, (site) is awesome. especially when one digs in some.

    OK, so, the short-version is that until sometime in January I won’t have a page link – a long story – debian instance on dedicated server running proxmox starts up in January anew.

    Getting it all to work with 1 IP address is very doable though quite some tweaks, though very satisfying.
    Plus, being able to backup and restore the whole machine in a few minutes to server blank space is a new thing for me.

    As I’m just going back into wordpress as an intermediate user who never liked the whole ‘customizer’ and bloat of classic themes i wasn’t very motivated. Got into Node.js a wee bit, though again, my skills are very ‘cowboy’ and “on the shoulders of giants”, having to find solutions that others have put online take a whole ton of time trying.

    Basically, finding BLOCKPRESS and 6.1.1 WP’s features changed my ENTIRE happiness and motivation!


    Thread Starter tweed


    ERRATA: (meant to read) thanks for version 1.2 today.

    3 a.m. now here, so i guess it’s now,,
    “”thanks for version 1.2 yesterday”” *zzzzz-))

    Thread Starter tweed


    SHORT update (hahaha – sigh-)
    IF i had watched this super video I would not have been driven to write my late-night ramble above.

    My first try was 2 weeks ago (long before i wrote the above)

    I’ve been spending about 8 hours a day, every day learning the quirks and brilliance of Gutenberg block editor.

    Tonight, because i have a black background cover image right below the header/navigation…so, WHEN i follow the video tutorial (linked above)
    when i follow it VERY VERY slowly including the padding and watching the cursor by keeping the video stopped and moving the video slowly by clicking it ahead manually bit by bit… and following it EXACTLY, including the PADDING (far right lower down) near the end of the video it WORKS GREAT!

    Previously when i changed to transparent header i gave up as the NAV text disappeared.

    Well, it’s late again… I’ll keep it shorter here!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by tweed.
    Thread Starter tweed



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