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  • ohhho just tell me name of the theme you are using then i’ll try

    Thread Starter sandeep1414


    @ grvpande bro i am using green tweet theme

    This is the link of the theme i am using

    Thread Starter sandeep1414


    Guys i have only option of editing two narrow left and right sidebars in widget area…. Tell me how to insert widgets like ads to top broad sidebar……

    I have explained my problem using screenshot below..

    Thread Starter sandeep1414


    Is there any way to make top sidebar option along with left sidebar and right sidebar that are already present…

    I worked with many themes that already had this option….

    Thread Starter sandeep1414


    Or u can tell me how to insert by editing code in index file or style.css file..

    Thread Starter sandeep1414


    please alchymyth solve this problem also bro..

    make a backup copy before editing

    edit sidebar.php of your theme and find:

    <div id="sidebar_ads">
    	<div id="sidebar_ads_body"><?php theme_ads_show() ?></div>

    after the line with <div id="sidebar_ads">
    put this new code:

    <div id="sidebar_ads_300_250">
    <!-- the code for the 300*250 ad block goes here -->

    and then add this style to style.css:

    #sidebar_ads_300_250 {
    margin: 0px 8px 20px;

    change the values to adjust the alignment.
    hope this works for you, good luck.

    Thread Starter sandeep1414


    If i have insert other things in top broad sidebar.. can i do the same way…

    Or there is any way to cteate top sidebar in widgets wordpress admin section to insert things easily…


    Thread Starter sandeep1414


    Plz help me to create top broad sidebar sectionin widgets so that i can insert codes of different things easily and plugins can also be used easily..

    sandeep1414 — Please stop bumping. So far I’ve deleted 23 of your “Hurry up and help me for free” posts. It’s against the forum rules to bump, but even without reading it anywhere you should know that carrying on as you’ve been is rude. Just remember that you are getting free support for free software ??

    Thread Starter sandeep1414


    @micahcooksey I will take care.. It only happen when i dont get reply for lot of time..

    Thread Starter sandeep1414


    @ alchymyth bro, it will be easy to create top sidebar option in widgets because i want to insert a tabber of recent comments , recentposts etc which can be easily inserted with help of plugin if there is top sidebar in widgets section…..

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