Hi I am having this same problem, OptiPNG & Gifsicle not installing. (just put this in a new post)
My site is hosted by Namecheap (pro package)
-I first got Exec() permissions, then reinstalled, then it said OK briefly for both OptiPNG and Gifsicle, but then went away.
-My understanding was if we’re on shared hosting, and files can’t be placed on root servers, then we can put them in WP Content folders, but this does not work.
-I talked to the support team, here is what they said to me:
20:42SupportDude:: Unfortunately it is not possible to install those libraries on our Shared server, but you will be able to install them on our VPS servers where you will have root access and will be able to manage any software you need.
20:43ME: can i not include those then in my own directory?
20:44SupportDude:: Unfortunately no, since plugin checks the libraries in root directories on the server not your own ones. This is why it is not possible to install those libraries.
20:44ME: ok, but it says something about when i don’t have such access:
20:44ME: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/ewww-image-optimizer/installation/
20:45ME: see there under OptiPNG and Gigsicle
20:46SupportDude: Yes I have checked this instruction already and tried to place all the binaries into the folder, however it did not help, since as I have already mentioned above, the plugin checks the libraries in root directories: usr/bin/gifsicle and /usr/bin/optipng
20:46ME: but then why would it suggest to put in WPContent, since it knows many ppl use shared hosting
20:48SupportDude:: For this please kindly contact plugin developers and try to get more details on why it fails to allocate binaries in custom folder. Unfortunately we are not familiar with the way this plugin works.
20:52SupportDude:: I assume that the binaries provided in public_html/wp-content/plugins/ewww-image-optimizer directory are not compatible with CentOS that we are using on our servers.
I appreciate your help.