• It been a few weeks and I even posted here already but with no answer. Maybe someone knows:

    As I wrote, I created an upgrade pro form and the form looks weird. This time I posted a screenshot.

    1. I dont understand why a logged in user at level #1 needs to insert his username, address, password, etc to upgrade.

    2. I don’t understand what the Checkout Options are as its empty and does nothing.

    3. I want to offer both paypal and stripe (as in credit cards) but the pro forms are only either PP or Stripe. I want it to look like the demo on S2Member where a user selects the check box paypal, visa blah blah, and then he is directed there when he pays.



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  • 1. I dont understand why a logged in user at level #1 needs to insert his username, address, password, etc to upgrade.

    You’re not giving much away in the screenshot, are you? But it doesn’t look to me as though you were logged in when you took it.

    So I’d check that first. If you were, then I’d check these things:

    1. Have you made sure that the page on which this is appearing is not being cached?

    2. Is the page on which this appears fully protected? It must be for this to work.

    3. If your answer to (1) and (2) are also yes, then I’d check for a theme or plugin conflict.

    Thread Starter jenkisan


    Sorry about the screenshot, I was just showing the form as it shows up to the logged in user.

    I can confirm I’m logged in ??

    To give it a try: user: test pass: test12345 at https://puoianchetu.it/accedi

    Once you log in you are a simple registered user level #0.

    I want to allow this user to upgrade to level #1 so I create a modify pro form.

    Here it is: https://puoianchetu.it/carrello-2

    And this is the code I used:

    [s2Member-Pro-Stripe-Form modify=”0″ level=”1″ ccaps=”” desc=”€149 / tantum (2 mesi accesso)” cc=”EUR” custom=”puoianchetu.it” ta=”0″ tp=”0″ tt=”D” ra=”149″ rp=”2″ rt=”M” rr=”0″ coupon=”” accept_coupons=”1″ default_country_code=”IT” captcha=”0″ /]

    PS I still don’t understand what Checkout Options are ??

    Thread Starter jenkisan


    Sorry update:

    1. yes
    2. yes
    3. using enfold (pretty standard theme) and doesn’t look like a conflict


    Just to make sure, are you saying you have tried changing to a default theme? Because Enfold is far from a “standard” theme. It’s very popular, yes, but that’s not quite the same thing.

    Thread Starter jenkisan


    ?? I suppose you are right, enfold is far from ‘standard’. Perhaps what I meant is that its popular so if there was such as issue it probably popped up.

    However, I activated 15 and same thing.

    Problem is also, I don’t know WHAT I should be seeing.

    If a user is signed in and wants to upgrade, what does the form look like? Or what should it look like?

    What should be happening, I believe, is that the extra fields are not displayed, while those that are should be pre-populated with the user’s details.

    That’s why I wondered whether you were logged out, when neither would be true.

    The only other thing I can think of is that perhaps you have a javascript problem. Have you tried checking the console in your browser?

    Thread Starter jenkisan



    One step closer!! I didn’t think about a js error. Here it is. Does this mean anything to you?

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
    https://puoianchetu.it/wp-content/plugins/s2member/s2member-o.php?ws_plugin_…bals=20d7eed2feb2fae91f16b2ab57e00d06&qcABC=1&ver=150102-150102-1241182319 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
    https://puoianchetu.it/wp-content/plugins/s2member/s2member-o.php?ws_plugin__s2member_css=1&qcABC=1&ver=150102-150102-1241182319 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

    Only that you have a problem! I’d go back to deactivating all your plugins and changing your theme, and then checking the console again.

    If you still have the problem even in that state, then I’d talk to your host.

    Thread Starter jenkisan


    Do you know if its possible to just deactivate s2member, delete it, and reinstall? Are the settings saved?

    It is if you set General Options -> Plugin Deletion Safeguards but that will also probably ensure that the problem remains after reinstall.

    There is an alternative option if you have the Pro version (via s2M -> Import/Export -> s2Member Options (Import/Export) which would allow you to export your savings, delete s2 with safeguards turned off, and then reinstall and import your settings.

    Thread Starter jenkisan


    Could I also just upload the file, delete the /s2member folder and unzip the file?

    Would this technically replace all the plugin files and keep the settings in the db?

    Yes, but if it’s a database issue, which it might well be, that approach will not solve anything.

    Thread Starter jenkisan


    I can confirm its not the files… and am scared of losing or screwing data up on database. I’ve backup the site and db and I have pro so I’ll try the export you suggested.

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