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  • Plugin Author M. Ali Saleem


    Thank you for reporting, The Plugin has been updated with HTTPS Support.


    Thread Starter Walter Kamer



    I just installed the lastest version (2.2), but the issue with accessing the subdomain over https still exist. After contacting the SiteGround, the told me that it is necessary to create a symlink to get this working with your plugin.

    Support answer from SiteGround:

    In case you have any similar sub domain names that are virtually linked to posts inside your website, for them to work with SSL, you need to create symlink for each sub domain name.

    example page

    needs a symlink in the root of
    ln -s . mypage

    after that I can access the page by

    Is this something you can solve in your plugin?


    Walter Kamer

    Plugin Author M. Ali Saleem


    I think you are talking about the premium version of plugin, Please contact directly via email for support, Also your SSL must support WildCard.
    You already have my email address, Contact me.


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