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  • See from your site. You mean the left Menu of your site?
    I think it’s not a good idea to remove it, it’s your header and navigation.You can edit your css to place it at the top of your site or any other place.

    just now, your site is using the ‘sunspot’ theme – does the question still apply?

    I’ve tied to remove it I found this somewhere on internet:

    At the end of style.css add:

    #content {
        margin: 0 255px 0 0;
        .entry-actions {
        display: none;

    It deactivates whole left side bar but later I thought maybe to use is somehow. I did not neet those permalincks and trackbacks stuff, so I have edited functions.php and changed it just to a timestamp and “edit” active link.

    In functions.php there is a “Complete infobox”

    I have removed most of this part and this is all what left:

    			 * Complete infobox.
    				$var_sPermalink = get_permalink();
    				$var_sTitle = rawurlencode(get_the_title());
    				<div class="timestamp">
    					<p align="center">
    					Added:<br />
    						<?php greyopaque_posted_on_timestamp(); ?>
    						 * Attachment
    						if(is_attachment()) {
    							if(wp_attachment_is_image()) {
    								$metadata = wp_get_attachment_metadata();
    								printf(__('Size: %s px', 'grey-opaque'),
    									sprintf('<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s">%3$s × %4$s</a>',
    										esc_attr(__('Link to full-size image', 'grey-opaque')),
    						} // ENDE if(is_attachment())
    						edit_post_link(__('Edit', 'grey-opaque'), '<span class="edit-link">', '</span>');
    						<?php if(comments_open()) : ?>
    								<a class="subscribe" href="<?php echo get_post_comments_feed_link(); ?>"><?php _e('comments RSS', 'grey-opaque'); ?></a>
    						<?php endif; ?>
    		echo '</div>';

    Gray opaque came out with a update version 1.9. I had been using this code:

    #content {
    margin: 0 255px 0 0;
    .entry-actions {
    display: none;
    To hide the left sidebar but once the update was complete it reappeared, I resubmitted the code in style.css but the left side bar is still there. How do I get rid of left sidebar now?



    I have found this new code below to work just fine.

    #content {
    margin: 0 255px 0 0;
    .entry-timestamp {
    display: none;
    #content {
    margin: 0 255px 0 0;
    .entry-actions {
    display: none;
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