Help Request [Pick 1: Category Page, All Cat SEO Updater, Cat Intro for Archive]
Hello, I need some help but have no one to turn to.
I am searching for a single, simple functionality and the following three plugins would all work well to fit my need if it weren’t for the fact that they are all broken and all completely unsupported.
1. Category Page by Pixline
2. All Category SEO Updater by Bradley G. Smith
3. Tui’s Category Intro For Archive by Stephen BaughAll I need is a plugin or other kind of fix to allow me to add a title and some text at the top of a category archive. I’m trying to make my Category archives a bit more like pages, with actual original content on them to introduce the entire category.
Sadly, after painstakingly searching through every plugin tagged with the word “category,” these three were the only ones that claimed to do this, although they did it in completely different ways.
Woe is me, all three are completely BROKEN, at least in WP versions 2.7.1 and 2.8.
The 1st and 3rd plugins above simply don’t show anything on the header as advertised, and the 2nd one (which I would prefer of the three) has the horrible habit of completely breaking all of your Tags and Category archive pages, along with deleting your other SEO settings on the blog in plugins like “All in one SEO”! Ouch!
Worse yet, all three authors are not contactable!
Someone PLEASE tell me I’m dreaming… I really need this functionality for a business blog I have already started putting together.
If you know another way to do this without changing my template, I’d be very grateful. Or if you know how to pick up the ball and run with one of these three good ideas above, there is certainly a need for this functionality!
Thanks in advance,
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