[help] website builder or template editor for wp
hello ,
thanks for taking time of your day to read my post i appreciate that a lot because i really need your help.
i am not a web developer or programmer/coder and i am not in a position that i can pay for one .
i am actually a freshly graduated architect and i need a cool website anyway.
so for me i need 2 things for my website:
1) security ( since i found a lot of tutorial on youtube how to secure ur website with wp.. i decided to use WP)2) the actual design/creation of my website … since i have no experience in coding at all and my website is fairly simple ( the only hard part is the login/logout ,forget password,edit profile ( maybe i dont even need a profile pic ) ..sign up ) ………..the rest of profile is fairly simple of 3-6 pages max .. to know about my website,my partners and purchase one of the few things i have in there.
so i think the best way is to get one of those drag and drop or WYSIWYG .. like ( web easy pro or WYSIWYG web builder) which i currently now i have both of them …. i downloaded the whole folder of WB on my computer using (FileZila) ..
now please please please tell me how to use any of those programs to import those themes/php files to any of my web builder program or give me anything that will help me to finish my website as soon as possible , i need to launch it soon !! ..
(( i need to make a website that looks pretty cool! it cant be basic blog … i have to be really creative and work with PS/animations and stuff ..
** which i am good at as an architect and some of the web builders have java scripts in it as drag and drop ** ))i will not go out today to anywhere till i finish this !
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