• I have a testimonial page that I kept updating for years, so I know how to do it, but today as I was including yet another testimonial, I clicked on save and everything went blank.
    I tried to search for answers, but what I found did not work. Tried going to history and ‘calling’ the page, it was not there.
    I remember many years ago I was able to go back to the previous ‘saved’ page but I do not know how to get there.
    Can someone guide me?

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  • If you don’t have revisions showing on the edit page screen, click on ‘Screen Options’ at the top right of the page and then click on the Revisions check box.

    You should then see a listing of past revisions for that page. This is assuming revisions aren’t turned off which they aren’t by default.

    Thread Starter drmonica


    I am going crazy trying to find the two options you’re giving me and they are not there. When I look at my page it says Dashboard on the top, Tehn I have highlighted the “manage” “Pages”. Then it says Write Page, Title, and then the box where my testimonials go (which is now blank). I do not have ‘revisions’ or ‘Screen Options” on the right. In fact the only thing I have on the right of this page is Settings, Plugins, Users. And all the way on top: Houdy,monica, Log Out, Help and Forums.
    I wonder if I am running a very old version. . .
    Is there any other way to go to the ‘saved’ pages with their dates?

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    I wonder if I am running a very old version

    That’s possible, can you provide us with a link to take a look?

    Thread Starter drmonica


    So at the top right of your screen you don’t see something like this? https://i.imgur.com/ivFOf.png

    Which version of WordPress are you running? You can see which version by scrolling down to the bottom of any page in the backend and on the bottom right it should display the version.

    You are running WP 2.5……

    Which is a VERY old version, you need to upgrade.

    Thread Starter drmonica


    OK, I can update but should I do it now even though I just lost everything. Would that help me to recover?

    WordPress is pretty good with backwards compatibility but 2.5 is pretty far back considering we are on 3.3.1 plus with all of the database upgrades in between.

    I can’t make any promises that your old data would remain. You could do the updates (backup your database first) then copy all of the content found here (https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ik4fB3PSET4J:www.petcommunicator.com/blogs/%3Fpage_id%3D2+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us) as that is your testimonials page saved within the Google cache.

    But I would suggest copying that testimonials data first before Google clears the cache and you can’t find it again.

    You could also consider finding a developer to update your site for you and describe your situation. They may be able to help retrieve your old content.

    Thread Starter drmonica


    I was able to save the google cache on my documents. I have never done a backup because I thought my Website provider would. Tried calling them but they are in Canada EST and they are closed. I don’t know how to do a back up of the whole thing and reading about it a bit, says that I need to use phpMyAdmin but it looks so complicated I am terrified. Any easier way? Can I for instance, use CuteFTP to upload the google cache back into the testimonials page?

    No because the page content isn’t saved into a file. It is saved into the database. So you might be able to copy/paste the Google cache into the HTML editor tab on your Testimonials page but you will most likely have to do some code editing to get it to display how it was before the mishap.

    Other than that, there is really no other easier way as everything regarding the page content is inside the database.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    I have never done a backup because I thought my Website provider would.

    Never to late to start yourself. ??

    You’re running a really old version of WordPress so I don’t recommend that you use a backup plugin. Give these a read.


    The file backup isn’t hard to do but it’s important that you also get all the database tables and info.

    Give these instructions a read too.


    Thread Starter drmonica


    I read the information. I went to phpMyAdmin and downloaded from here:
    I could only download the last one english.zip because the other extensions would not work.
    So I downloaded that one and thought that it would put it on my desktop. It didn’t. I found it and open it. It shows 783 files but it doesn’t run, it just list the files in the zip folder.
    I know I am sounding bad now, but how do I run the program please!

    You don’t download Phpmyadmin. Your hosts should have it (or another database management tool) installed on your server. Ask them how you can access it from your hosting account.

    Thread Starter drmonica


    Thank you! I thought I was loosing my mind. I will ask my hosting company tomorrow. Thank you all for your help!

    After I have edited the HTML code and saved my page, then when I view my page, it became a mess.

    I am using the WordPress 3.4.1 version, I didn’t see the Revision Check Box in my Screen Option.

    Can someone guide me to recover the previous saved page please ?

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