• Hi, I have a blog with added functionality of a forum where members can post information and other users can read, rate and comment on it. I have installed WordPress SEO Yoast.

    The seo “tuning” function appears on the edit page for pages, posts and images. I want my specific keyword combination to apply to my blog in general for seo purposes.

    If I tune my seo on each post and each image and use the same keyword combo I am admonished by Yoast for doing this and advised to use different keyword combos. I only want my blog optimized for my specific keyword combo. The Blog itself is a category so I cannot optimize it as a page.

    Second question. I have 2 main pages for content, About and Blog. I have many other pages eg Registration, Login,User Profile, Contact, Archives (of member posted info) etc. These pages do not contain content except perhaps Archives. Do I ignore SEO on these other pages?

    PS. I have optimized About for different keyword combo.

    My thanks in advance.

    Sorry, one last thing, how do I add ALT tags to images?


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