• Ok guys. Blix 09 is a good theme exept one problem. The sidebar. The sidebar has codes for the main page (sidebar), post (sidebar), and archives (sidebar). Their all diffrent. Instead of copying and pasteing my homepage/mainpage sidebar to the post sidebar and archives, I want all 3 sidebars to be the same. How do I do it?

    Heres the code:

    <?php if (is_page("archives") || is_archive() || is_search()) { ?>

    Sidebar is here.

    <?php if (!is_page("archives")) { ?>

    <My sidebar is in archives la la al la.
    <?php } ?>

    <?php if (is_single()) { ?>

    My sidebar is in a post la la la la.

    <?php } ?>

    <?php if (is_page("archives") || is_archive() || is_search()) { ?>

    My sidebar is here in archives la la la la.

    Well, Its something like that. If you dont know the full code and stuff, download blix 0.9 and look at the sidebar. I want my mainpage sidebar to be on all sidebars. How do I do that? Do I remove the <?php if (Is_page code thing and <?php } ?> or something and stuff? I did. but got errors. Please be specific. Thanks.
    <?php } ?>

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  • Thread Starter xerocool



    I need this fixed today ??

    XeroCool, I’m a bit late to this one and I think you’ve already changed themes. However I don’t understand why you didn’t email me like I suggested. Many people have emailed me questions or even files that I all tried to fix.

    Thread Starter xerocool


    Yeh, Im using blix again cause the others themes are screwed in a way. Sorry, i got no time to email ;(. Ill do it now.

    You probably have it already for a long time but I saw it and I used to have the same problem.
    Maybe for others who still have the problem here is it. It should work
    This is sidebar.php

    <hr class="low" />

    <!-- subcontent ................................. -->
    <div id="subcontent">

    <?php /**
    * Pages navigation. Disabled by default because all new pages are added
    * to the main navigation.
    * If enabled: Blix default pages are excluded by default.
    <ul class="pages">
    $excluded = BX_excluded_pages();

    <?php */ ?>

    * If a page called "about_short" has been set up its content will be put here.
    * In case that a page called "about" has been set up, too, it'll be linked to via 'More'.
    $pages = BX_get_pages('with_content');
    if ($pages) {
    foreach ($pages as $page) {
    $page_id = $page->ID;
    $page_title = $page->post_title;
    $page_name = $page->post_name;
    $page_content = $page->post_content;

    if ($page_name == "about") $more_url = 'More';
    if ($page_name == "about_short") {
    $about_title = $page_title;
    $about_text = BX_remove_p($page_content);
    if ($about_text != "") {
    echo "<h2>".$about_title."</h2>\n";
    echo "".$about_text;
    if ($more_url != "") echo " ".$more_url;
    echo "\n";


    <ul class="categories">
    <?php wp_list_cats('sort_column=name&hide_empty=0'); ?>


    <ul class="links">
    <?php get_links('-1', '

    • ', '
    • ', '', 0, 'name', 0, 0, -1, 0); ?>


      <ul class="feeds">

    • ">Entries (RSS)
    • ">Comments (RSS)
    • <h2>Calendar</h2>

      <?php get_calendar() ?>

      <h2>Most Recent Posts</h2>

      <ul class="posts">
      <?php BX_get_recent_posts($p,10); ?>

      <?php if (is_page("archives") || is_archive() || is_search()) { ?>


      <?php get_calendar() ?>

      <?php if (!is_page("archives")) { ?>

      <h2>Posts by Month</h2>

      <ul class="months">
      <?php get_archives('monthly','','','

    • ','
    • ',''); ?>

      <?php } ?>

      <h2>Posts by Category</h2>

      <ul class="categories">
      <?php wp_list_cats('sort_column=name&hide_empty=0'); ?>

      <?php } ?>

      </div> <!-- /subcontent -->

    Thread Starter xerocool


    Can you please host it on Pastebin.com? Thanks.

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