• Hey, I just imported 1000 blogger entries, but they don’t come out right. None of them have the author’s name attached, and they all give me this error:

    WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'dateYMDhour' in 'field list']
    INSERT INTO wp_users ( user_login, user_pass, user_nickname, user_email, user_url, user_ip, user_domain, user_browser, dateYMDhour, user_level, user_idmode ) VALUES ( 'Patch Monkey', 'password', 'Patch Monkey', '[email protected]', '', '', 'localhost', 'server', '1979-06-06 00:41:00', '1', 'nickname' )

    Any help?

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  • Yeah, it’s a bummer that it happens that way sometimes. But all that error means is that there was trouble creating the user record in your WP database. It’s not critical, because as soon as you’ve finished categorizing those 1000 posts, they’ll all show up with your WP Admin user as the author.

    I bet you miss your comments, huh? Go here to get a copy of the import-blogger.php file I just hacked out. It has the added benefit of importing your Blogger comments. If you follow all the directions, it should work fine.


    Can I import more than one blog to the same wordpress?

    Ia€?m having a problem with Blogger importing. I changed my Blogger date format to the correct option (the first choice in Bloggera€?s drop-down), and then changed the Blogger template to the required WP code. I a€?republisheda€? the entire Blogger blog (which I began in Jan 2005) so as to upload to my WP blog directory

    The a€?Archivea€? directory is now properly showing under my new WP blog directory as is a a€?2005a€? directory with subfolders for all months and all my old Blogger posts visible. I then went back to WPa€?s blogger-import instructions and clicked “Go”. It then said a€?Donea€?. My WP directory now has the following subfolders:


    Everything appears where it ought to be, but when I sign in to WP and view my WP blog, none of these imported Blogger posts are showinga€|

    Once your posts are imported, you can delete the old html files Blogger created. Everything from now on will be stored in the database.


    I’m not sure you’re understanding my problem: my imported Blogger posts are not showing up on my WP blog. (I am successfully making new posts to the blog however.)

    The imported Blogger posts (which have .html extensions) are on my server, but are not showing up in MySQL database (while my a€?newa€? posts created in WP are showing up fine).

    When I had initially imported the posts from Blogger, and then went back to click “Go” at WPa€?s blogger-import instructions, it immediately went to “Done”, which seemed odd and indicative that the posts did not even attempt to get uploaded to my db.

    In the a€?import-blogger.phpa€? file, in the code section that is activated when the importer is running (i.e, uploading to onea€?s MySQL db), I noticed one line of code that reads:

    $user_domain = ‘localhost’;

    I am among the 1% of wp-config setups that, in order to successfully setup WP, couldna€?t use a€?localhosta€? but had to use:

    define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘mysql##.secureserver.net’)

    Should I be changing the abovementioned line of code in the a€?import-blogger.phpa€? file, replacing a€?localhosta€? with a€?mysql##.secureserver.neta€??

    well no, even I am on godaddy and I imported without changing any db info

    I fixed it! I figured out what I was doing wrong. It is imperative to have your Bloggera€?s a€?Archive Patha€? setting in the root directory that your WP files are in. See https://catsutorials.catsudon.org/?p=15. I had mine in a sub-directory folder called a€?/archivea€? which was the problem.

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