• For some reason the images I am hosting on a third-party, like Imgur or Flickr, will not appear in the index.php. I can’t figure out how to solve this problem, especially since I’m running a css gallery that has hundreds and hundreds of images. I want to store these images on a separate server – but it doesn’t seem to allow me to do this in WordPress…

    Any help would be greatly appreciated…thanks!

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  • Unless you provide a link to a page demonstrating the problem, no one will be able to offer much in the way of specific help.

    Thread Starter justinmyoung


    It’s difficult to show what’s happening without disrupting the gallery, but here are some images of the trouble:

    first image is of the post page showing the direct link I’m using from Imgur’s server – an image of a site:


    second image is of the end result, which is the gallery not showing the image:


    I’m guessing it is a permissions problem…?

    I just want to store the images on another server…but the direct link doesn’t work

    the third image shows the direct link that I have been using, which references any image stored on in the WordPress uploads folder:


    Does that help? Perhaps I’m not describing the problem well enough


    Moderator James Huff


    When I enter https://imgur.com/PP5GC.png into my browser, it redirects to https://i.imgur.com/PP5GC.png (notice the newly added i. preceding imgur.

    I this case, I would recommend changing the large image URL to https://i.imgur.com/PP5GC.png

    Thread Starter justinmyoung


    Unfortunately, changing the address didn’t seem to work. I thought it would, though. Never noticed that change in url.

    Thread Starter justinmyoung


    Is this perhaps the issue?

    “Consider that free image hosting services are recently becoming a less viable choice since traffic from them is often blocked by corporate networks.”

    from the WordPress Coda

    Moderator James Huff


    That is entirely possible. Considering the size of the images in the second screen shot, you really won’t notice any sort of disk space or bandwidth impact if you re-size the image to fit and host it yourself.

    Thread Starter justinmyoung


    I tried the direct link from my Amazon S3 account and it still won’t work. It must have something to do with WordPress permissions. If I download it in my server in my WordPress directory, it shows fine. Strange.

    You don’t think it would improve performance much by hosting these images elsewhere?

    Thanks for your advice

    Moderator James Huff


    No, hosting the images eslewhere will rarely improve perormance. In some cases, it may actually have a negative impact, since you’re relying on an external service beyond your control to provide your images.

    It is still strange that no external images are loading, but I’m out of ideas, especially since it’s affecting both Imgur and Amazon.

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