• team777


    Hi – all. After reading posts etc; on Domain Mapping, I am nearly more confused now that when I started…
    I have a reseller hosting account (using my nameservers, and dedicated IP) with VPS WHM access, and have added accounts in WHM to allow for Cpanel access for each of the Clients. So i now created my main WP site and activated multisites.
    Great so far, I need a very simple walk tru type tutorial… but that maybe a long time off.

    My situation now:
    I have WHM on a dedicated I.P. address

    Then I setup the multisite using a separate I.P.
    https://www.mymain-multisite-doman-name.com – I setup the multisite on this
    I downloaded wordpress-mu-domain-mapping.0.5.2
    I installed it, via plugins, and it shows in Super Admin
    I saw in some tutorial , it was in tools? is it correct the way I have it?
    Click Domain Mapping
    Mine shows a page with Domain Mapping Configuration
    Server IP Address:what actual domain I.P. do I enter here?
    What do I do here?
    In Domain button:
    I have Domain Mapping: Domains
    Search Domains
    New Domain Site ID – I put the I.P. address of otherdomainname.com here
    Domain – I put otherdomainname.com here – without the www
    Primary = It has Site ID = 174, Domain = otherdomainname.com and it is set as Primary. Now This would be a domain I am adding to the multisite
    I want to be able to controll all domains from Super Admin
    is this the best option, as I might have others working on the sites
    And don’t want to give the Super Admin out
    But if this is the best option I will go with that
    I would appreciate any help with this
    Also I saw in some tutorials they say to use wp-content/mu-plugins

    Thank you

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  • Thread Starter team777


    I have added a site so what I see now is: https://www.mymainsite.com/niche4now
    what I am looking for to have is https://www.niche4now.com

    The domains you are ampping do not have accounts in Cpanel. You simply use Parking in the cpanel account of your main domain.

    follow this tutorial:

    Thread Starter team777


    Hi Andrea
    Thank you
    I was on to my hosting company-hostgator
    And I am trying to set it up so that I can use Dedicated I.P.’s for each Domain name , I looked at the tutorial. They had me set up a ADDON domain, but that is locked into the WP network I.P.
    Support could not help me with it. They suggested I come back here.
    can you throw any light on this ?
    Thank you in anticipation
    I have a VPS WHM reseller account
    with dedicated I.P’s
    If I drop the ADDON and just park the domain , will I be able to succedd then
    And one more thing, In super Admin and dashboard
    I have Domain Mapping and Domain in Super Admin
    Now I saw somewhere , There was another item in dashboard/tools other than newwork
    and it seems they had more control over mapping . Support thought I should be able to do everything from WordPress

    And I am trying to set it up so that I can use Dedicated I.P.’s for each Domain name


    Unless you’re a blackhat seo spammer doing massive interlinking between those domains, there’s no good reason to have them appear on separate IP address.

    “Google won’t list me” isn’t true. I can put in a list of domains I have mapped all on the same IP that do reasonably well in search engines and DO link to each other.

    Also do some random IP checks on wordpress.com’s hosted VIP blogs. Or any of them. There’s only a handful of IP addresses.

    If you really want dedicated IP address, then you need to alter your httpd.conf file, which I doubt Hostgator reseller account will let you do. Usually it’s at least a VPS and preferably dedicated.

    I have Domain Mapping and Domain in Super Admin
    Now I saw somewhere , There was another item in dashboard/tools other than newwork
    and it seems they had more control over mapping . Support thought I should be able to do everything from WordPress

    Other than the server setup, yes. On the SUB sites, you’ll see a domain mapping menu under Tools.

    Thread Starter team777


    Hi Andrea,
    Thank you for your help It explains alot to me

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